Mechwarrior: The Mech So Tough It Halted The Clans – We Breakdown The Atlas

The Atlas is the most iconic BattleMech, and it really goes to show that they don’t make them like they used to.
In the battlefields of the Inner Sphere and beyond, the technological arms race can prove to be crippling. ‘Mechs with outdated communications and weapon systems often find themselves outclassed by newer, more modern ‘mechs. Unless that mech happens to be the almighty Atlas.
Atlas doesn’t care how advanced your technology is. Big, foreboding, and impenetrable, the Atlas proves to be a design that has withstood and surpassed the test of time. It was a bulwark, even against the aggressive, superior Clans. To the point where there’s an achievement in Mechwarrior 5: Clans for downing one of these big boys with a little guy.
But where did this big, skull-faced mech come from? And why is it so iconic? The answer lies in the latter days of the Star League before Aleksandr Kerensky departed the Inner Sphere.
Atlas – Fear and Surprise
A huge part of the Atlas’ success was an unexpected weapon: fear. Its imposing bulk allowed it to carry heavy armor and an arsenal of weapons. But the ‘mech, designed to the specifications of Aleksandr Kerensky himself, was built with fear in mind. He was said to have wanted to build a ‘mech whose mere presence would be a weapon:
A ‘Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally.
And the Atlas delivered. Not only was it bristling with more weapons than many platoons carried, but the Atlas was designed to have these weapons be “as visible as possible.” Kerensky’s goal was to sow fear across the battlefield before even a single volley of missiles was fired.
And, as Kerensky intended for the Atlas to be a tool for ‘mech superiority, it was designed to handle multiple engagement types. For long-range encounters, the ‘mech carried a FarFire MaxiRack LRM-20 in the left torso, launching 20 missiles in four waves of five over a span of about ten seconds.
And for close engagements, the Atlas carried a behemoth of a weapon: a Defiance ‘Mech Hunter Autocannon/20 in its right torso.
Backing up these immense, heavy-hitting weapons was an array of four Defiance B3M medium lasers, one in each arm and two in the Atlas‘ rear torso, because the Atlas has guns in the back so you can never be outside its field of fire. And a TharHes Maxi SRM-6 launcher mounted on the left torso to give it an extra punch.
Speaking of punches though, perhaps the most underrated weapons in an Atlas’ arsenal were its hand actuators, which allowed it to pack a powerful punch. Some stories passed around seedy mercenary dens tell of Atlases picking up medium ‘mechs and using them as thrown weapons to bludgeon enemies into submission.
On top of that, the Atlas carried nearly twenty tons of armor, making it one of the most well-guarded ‘mechs in or out of the Inner Sphere. Even the Clans had trouble taking on one of these behemoths.
A History of Immensity
The Atlas was designed in 2755. Noted general, Aleksandr Kerensky, provided the specifications for the titanic BattleMech. It’s worth noting that the ‘mech was originally designed during the midst of the Cameron Edicts. This design was intended to keep the Star League’s Defense Force capable of quelling any rebellion within its member states. And though the Great Houses continued to splinter and arm themselves, Kerensky’s design proved to be every bit a success.
Its first trial by fire came during the Amaris Civil War. An Atlas, piloted by Aaron DeChavilier, proved to be not only a powerful combatant but also a capable command vehicle. His ‘mech withstood a withering barrage of enemy fire and broke through the protective walls of the palace of the Usurper of Terra.
After this conflict, the success of the Atlas quickly spread throughout the Inner Sphere. And though Kerensky wished for these ‘mechs to leave the Inner Sphere with him as part of Operation EXODUS, most of those who refused his summons were Atlas pilots. Which means that in 3049, when the Clans invaded, the Atlas was ready to face the new threat. And to this day, there are no plans to replace the ‘mech. Even state-of-the-art ‘mechs piloted by seasoned veterans have to pause when the imposing sight of an Atlas looms across the battlefield.
Hunting An Atlas? Go For The Eyes!
This amazing mech puts in a dizzying turn in the new Mechwarrior game, Mechwarrior 5: Clans. There, the big, beefy behemoth blasts braggarts and boasters who dare to try and take it down.
If you should find yourself facing one, it is a challenging fight. The armor is thick. Its weaponry heavy enough to paste anyone in front of it. But, it can be done. There are two strategies that work. The first is to have something speedy and to circle around behind, where the armor is only equivalent to that of a medium mech.
Or for the daring: headshots. Not not any head shot will do. You have to aim for the left window, for the cockpit, to hit the thin armor. Because the Atlas’ head is secretly a torso everywhere else. Of course, that means you have to be standing in front of an Atlas. So. You know, good luck.
Bigger guns, better armor, the Atlas has it all!