Warhammer 40K: Darktide – Major Overhaul Will Add RPG Talent Trees To Every Class

According to a recent interview, Warhammer 40K: Darktide is getting a major update that adds “RPG style talent trees” to every class.
A recent interview with PC Gamer reveals big things are in store for the co-op 40K shooter, Warhammer 40K: Darktide. Darktide, not quite a year out of launch, has had its share of problems over the years. It currently sits at “Mixed reviews” on Steam.
As the developers have been fixing bugs and crash issues, as well as rolling out steady upgrades to crafting (which haven’t gone over as well as you might hope) and things like mission types (which have really been home runs of late) players have seen a steady increase. Now, Fatshark aims to really take things to the next level with a major oveerhaul of the Darktide class system.
Darktide Gets A Class System Overhaul In October
According to the interview with PC Gamer, the developers are aiming for October for the initial rollout of the new class system. And this will be a major overhaul, adding “full RPG-style skill trees” for each of the game’s four classes. Per the interview:
“We wanted players to get a bit more agency into the classes, a bit more experimentation, support a lot more different play styles. We felt like the fantasy of the Ogryn was not done. The story of the Psyker was not done. So we wanted to add more. Basically what we’ve done is reimagine what a class in Darktide is. This is our huge update: we’ve expanded the talent trees, added a ton of new options and abilities, passives and actives.”
That’s Darktide game director Anders De Geer, talking about the upcoming overhaul. The new skill tree system will feature many new abilities, with each skill tree getting three main branches: one branch represents existing options, and two new ones that represent new directions to take each class into.
Fatshark devs hope this new approach will offer plenty of playstyles. PC Gamer previewed some of the new skills coming down the line, and they look amazing:
- A new shield ability the Psyker can deploy (further down that branch, this two-dimensional shield can be upgraded to a full-coverage dome)
- A more crowd-controlling Psyker branch lets you blast out psychic shards instead of brain bursting (think the whistle-controlled arrow in Guardians of the Galaxy)
- Instead of brain burst or the shards, the Psyker can also go full Sith with a Force Lightning-esque smite ability
- The Ogryn can now choose to throw a “Big Friendly Rock” instead of a grenade box (with the advantage of the rock going on cooldown, rather than requiring an ammo pickup)
- The Ogryn also gets a gigantic grenade as a second alternative
- Ogryns can now pick a taunt over upgrading their charge attack, or a big reload/fire rate buff designed for mowing down hordes
Might be time to head back to Tertium!