Warhammer 40K: Knight Lancer Is Spearheading The Charge

Games Workshop has brought the Knight Lancer to 40k with a new plastic kit. But how will it perform on the tabletop?
The Knight Lancer is the latest model to make the jump from resin to plastic and it’s one awesome kit. It’s also usable in both the Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40,000. This dual purpose model packs a punch in both games so if you’re looking to dabble in both games it’s a good starting point. But how good of a starting point is it, really? Thankfully we have the rules for 40k to look for ourselves.
“You’ll find the rules for the Knight Lancer in the Imperial Armour Index Cards, which are available as a free download for Imperial and Chaos players. There are two datasheets for this mighty walker – the Cerastus Knight Lancer for Imperial Knights, and the Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer for the Archenemy’s Chaos Knights.”
Cerastus Knight Lancer
If you’re already familiar with Knight Gallants or Chaos Knight Rampagers you’ll notice a few similarities. That’s fitting considering it’s in the same ballpark. The Lancer is faster than other Knights with a 14″ move. Additionally, it’s got a better Invulnerable save thanks to its Ion Gauntlet Shield which gives it a 4+ vs both ranged and melee. It’s also has 3 more wounds which makes it a tougher option that the other Knights in general. And it needs to be! That’s because it’s going to really get it’s value in close combat instead of at ranged.
The main weapon the Knight Lancer is (fittingly) it’s massive lance! The shock lance packs a wallop with Strength 20! Most notably it also has the [Lance] keyword. Don’t feel to bad if you don’t know what that does — I had to look it up as well:
If the bear gets the charge off it has an additional +1 to wound. That means it can wound another Titan on a 2+ which is rather impressive! The Lancer also has another key ability with it’s Shock Charge. That allows it to use the Tank Shock stratagem for free — even if you already used that stratagem this phase.
That means you’re going to get to toss out 22 dice and for each 5+ you’ll cause a mortal wound up to a max of 6 mortal wound on the target. Just doing some basic math, if you max damage with the Lancer that’s going to be 6 mortal wounds + 40 damage with the strike for 46 total damage. OUCH.
Having said all that, the Lancer is pretty deadly but it probably won’t win you games by itself. You’ll want to send in something to help support it. And some Armigers might be just the ticket!
“The Imperial Knight Lancer’s Bondsman ability allows you to select a single ARMIGER-class ally within 12″, granting both the Lancer and its squire the ability to Advance and charge. This is a massive boost in mobility, effectively adding D6″ to your threat radius for two Knights. You’ll definitely want to keep a Warglaive close at hand for your Command phase.”
Are you using it as a Chaos Knight Lancer? That’s okay! Because you can loose the War Dogs with this Knight for a nice one-two punch, too!
“The Chaos Knight Lancer instead offers a 6″ aura that gives all nearby WAR DOGS the [ASSAULT] ability on their guns, allowing them to Advance and shoot. Dark Fervour means your smaller Knights can Advance to keep up with their speedy master, without losing a turn’s shooting. It’s particularly effective for sneaking [MELTA] weapons like a Brigand’s daemonbreath spear within half range to score some tasty extra Damage.”
If you’re looking to add some deadly melee to your army you really can’t go wrong with a Knight Lancer. Toss this bowling ball at the enemy and let them deal with it as you move the rest of your army into position to mop up any “pins” that are still left standing.
Or just run it with your other Knights and have a whole family reunion!
The Cerastus Knight Lancer is charing to a tabletop near you!