Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader’s New Trailer Shows Off Companions And Co-Op

Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader has a new trailer showcasing the many companions your Rogue Trader can recruit to their retinue.
A new trailer for Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader reveals the colorful companions that await an aspiring dynast in the upcoming cRPG from Owlcat Games. As you might expect, the strength of any Rogue Trader lies in the people they draw to them.
Whether your retinue consists of unsanctioned psykers and dangerous xenos, or is much more chill with “official” Inquisitorial agents, there’s plenty of folks to recruit to your party. And you’ll need the strength of your friends and allies to carve out a name for yourself in the grim darkness of the distant future.
Rogue Trader Companion Trailer – Who Will You Recruit?
You will not explore the mysteries of the Koronus Expanse alone. Meet the companions who will help you to build and defend your flourishing trade protectorate, ranging from mysterious psykers to the holiest warriors of the God-Emperor. Study their dossiers closely, there is much critical information!
And if you wish, it will be possible to bring a friend along for the ride in co-op mode! This mode will be available on PC at launch and arrive a little bit later on consoles!
We get a look at the wide variety of companions you can recruit to your party. Which includes, as you’ll see above, a normal human; the Seneschal of your Dynasty. Abelard is ex-Imperial Navy, and commands a ton of support abilities. Sadly the only thing he doesn’t is your heart, since, as you can see his Romantic Preference is N/A.
That same preference does not hold true for the Cold Trader, Jae Heydari, who will take on a romantic partner of either of the available options. Sadly though, anyone connected more to the Imperium than anything else seems to be living a loveless, sexless life. Which is stark contrast to the party members of a certain other cRPG.
You can’t romance the Sister of Battle, nor can you romance the Space Wolf who could join your party. So you’ll have to wait for mods before your Rogue Trader finds out what those Primaris Genes can really do.
Check out the full trailer and don’t forget that co-op mode is coming too!