Warhammer Preview NOVA Open: Ironjawz Getting A Few New Recruits

The Ironjawz are getting a new batch of models and they are looking ‘Ard and ‘Eavy!
The Orruks are getting a bunch of new kits very soon. And the Ironjawz are looking MEAN!
Zoggork Anvilsmasha (and Klonk)
Brute Ragerz
Weirdbrute Wrekkaz
Orruk Ardboys
There’s a new Ardboys kit coming and it’s got a TON of new options for this battleline holding squads!
New Ironjawz Supplement
This supplement is coming soon and will be FREE as a PDF and as part of the Age of Sigmar App, too. Great news for all you Ironjawz fans out there (and some new recruits after today).
Here come the ORRUKS!