Star Wars: ‘Wicket the Ewok’ Got His Own Board Game, Apparently

Like learning you’re distantly related to some C-List celebrity, the only reaction to learning there’s a Wicket the Ewok game is “Oh. okay.”
Back when Return of the Jedi was being released, Star Wars merchandising was in full swing, and no one was pushed harder than Boba Fett. But in a distant maybe fourth or fifth, was the lovable Ewoks. In part of that push, Parker Bros released a board game featuring everyone’s favorite Ewok, Wicket with the full title of the game being like a modern-day anime title, Wicket The Ewok and Friends in a Food-Gathering Adventure Game. But we’ll just go with Wicket the Ewok.

Wicket the Ewok Game Overview
In Wicket the Ewok, players are trying to be the first player to gather 5 pieces of food and bring them back home. The game does actually have some neat ideas, although they don’t quite make this some hidden gem of a game.
Wicket the Ewok doesn’t use a die. Instead, Ewoks can move from 1 – 3 spaces on their turn, but only on the rock path circles in the corners of the board. Or they can move into one of the Transportation cards, which will carry them between the aforementioned rock path circles.

Moving onto the golden rock lets a player grab the food token there. Then the first Ewok to grab all 5 food tokens and back to their personal home wins!
That’s literally the entire game. You can even read the entire page of rules on Hasbro’s site.

We pick apart this children’s game and get stuffy about how because this game has zero randomness to it. It would be so easy to rip it apart because there are not enough unique game states which means it is an easily solvable game.
Instead, I’m going to point out that the art is really cute and Wicket the Ewok is a neat little game and sometimes it’s fine to just be that.