Age of Sigmar: Hobby Highlight – Ironjawz Brute Ragerz

It’s time for the new Ironjawz Orruk Brute Ragerz to get the attention of the Hobby Highlight!
Today I am showing a unit of Ironjawz Brute Ragerz I painted for Age of Sigmar. Brute Ragerz are one of the Ironjawz kits that came out with the newest wave of releases. These hulking, humiliated Orks form elite units armed with a variety of two-handed weapons. These guys are fast and put out a ton of damage, which makes them a great addition to Ironjawz or a Big Waaagh(!) army.
Brute Ragerz Assemble!
This kit is very easy to put together and track parts during assembly. Each warrior is fully encapsulated on its own sprue with all its associated bits, including a choice of all three weapons (chain-smasha flail, mighty gore-hacka blade, or Brute crusha warclub). Unfortunately this means there aren’t really many extra bits- you’ll be left with only whatever weapon options you didn’t use and the Weird masks.
Brute Ragerz Paint Scheme
So the Brute Ragerz just really evoke some of the most classic GW Ork vibes for me. They have big jaws and teeth, hulking muscle, battered armour, and ‘uge weapons. It all brought me back to the Orks that have the most nostalgia for me- the 40K Goff Clan. This meant black armour, red accents, and lots of freehand white checkers and dags- my favorite! I also went for a paler Ork green than I normally would- these guys are embarrassed after all.
The skin is built up layers and glazes of Nurgling Green, Creed Camo, and Army Painter Soft Tone. I painted the armour Leadbelcher, then filled the armour in, minus the chipped highpoints, with Abaddon Black. Then I added the white patterns, following that with a final touch of chipping over the white by edging with Leadbelcher. To create the extra rusty wasteland base, I put down a coat of Martian Ironearth then, while it was still wet, dusted it with Vallejo Burnt Sienna pigment powder. These powders also covered the armour of the legs and feet. Once this dried I sealed in the pigment with a dullcoat and flooded it with Aggaros Dunes to mitigate some frosting from that process.
Closing Thoughts
Overall the Brute Ragerz are a great kit that was a lot of fun to paint up. They have a ton of personality and might actually be my new favorite go-to for “prototypical GW Ork”. I could see running a bunch of these guys MSU style- a wave of fast little damage-balls. Maybe I’ll do some with hackas next…
Brute Ragerz $60
Brute Ragerz hurl themselves at the biggest and meanest foes, swinging huge two-handed weapons with brutal force. They’re driven by frenzied arrogance, desperate to overcome the humiliation of a previous defeat – few things are more dangerous than an orruk determined to prove just how ’ard they really are.
Brute Ragerz are the alternate build option for the Weirdbrute Wrekkaz.