Age of Sigmar: More Battletome Supplements, Please
Games Workshop is planning on an Ironjawz Battletome Supplement and that might be the best way forward for AoS.
The NOVA Open showcased a ton of great new Ironjawz models on the way. I’m very excited to see what GW is going to do with them moving forward specifically because they also announced a new Ironjawz Battletome Supplement. While we don’t know exactly what’s in book they are doing some good things for the release.
The first big thing is that this update will be free for all players. It’s going to be a free PDF update as well as an update to the Age of Sigmar App. That’s awesome and I’m glad GW is making this supplement free and easily accessible.
There is one downside to these new Battletome Supplements however: Rules Bloat. No one likes to have to bring a ton of extra materials with them to just play the game. However if it’s going to be free and pushed to the App as an update I’m not opposed to this at all. In fact, I hope we see MORE of these get rolled out over the course of the year.
I think these types of supplements are going to be desperately needed as the General’s Handbook isn’t going away as rapidly as previous versions. I don’t think I’ve hidden the fact that I’m not a huge fan of this season and the fact that it’s going to last a whole year has really been a let down.
I think a BIG win would be for GW to introduce more supplements to the older armies to help give them something to be excited about. Plus it’s a good testing bed for whenever the inevitable happens and we get a new edition of Age of Sigmar.
I actually like the current edition quite a lot. And the General’s Handbooks helped to keep the game feeling fresh as we’d get a new one every 6 months or so. Personally, I didn’t like the $50 price tag for what essentially was a new batch of battleplans…but I appreciated the change of pace after the current battleplans were starting to feel pretty stale.
If we’re not going to get a meta shake-up every 3-6 months, at least more supplements could keep the armies feeling fresh and interesting. That said, we don’t have the Ironjawz one yet and it could end up being a stinker. I highly doubt that — but it’s a possibility. I do hope it goes well so that GW will introduce MORE of them. And on the flip side if it tanks, well, “experiment was a failure” and back to the drawing board.
What do you think? Would you like to see more Supplements for sub-faction specific builds?