Atomic Mass Games: Ministravaganza 2023 Highlights

Atomic Mass Games hosted their Ministravaganza over the weekend. Here are a few highlights as well as were you can watch the videos!
If you’re interested in catching up on all the Marvel: Crisis Protocol and Star Wars: Shatterpoint news from AMG but missed their Ministravaganza, we’ve got you covered. Below you’ll find links to the videos and some highlights from the past weekend’s showcase.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol Roadmap
We covered this one while it was going on and there’s lots of great news for MCP fans. They showed off a TON of painted versions of previously revealed miniatures as well as a few of their character cards. We got most of those in the recap article but here are some big reveals:
Mojo Ball is a new way to play as well as an organized play kit. It’s part american football and part rugby. If you’ve ever wanted to take your favorite Marvel characters out for a superhero game of football, get ready for Mojo Ball!
Painted versions of Crimson Spider and Gwenom!
Painted versions of the rest of the Sinister Six:
New character reveals for Silver Sabel and Shang Chi:
New Asgardian coming — as well as a Threat level 6 Thor!
New Asgardian Terrain Set:
There’s also plans in the words to add new thematic cards that interact more with the terrain cards. These are One-Shot cards that add a twist and more narrative to the game.
Big Teaser Reveal:
If you didn’t figure this one out then go check this link to the marvel character database…
Marvel: Crisis Protocol Additional Videos:
You can find even more videos saved on the Atomic Mass Games Youtube Channel. There are various painting streams which are for tips on how to paint like the AMG staff. Dallas Kemp is fantastic painter and watching him paint is mesmerizing. And if you’re lucky he’ll sing a little, too.
On a more high level view, AMG tackles some other topics that involve things like their overall philosophy behind game balancing and future development in the Evolving Crisis Response video:
There’s also another high level video about additional game modes in Marvel: Crisis Protocol that is pretty informative:
Both of these are longer videos but certainly worth a watch if you’re at all interested in game design or if you’ve ever wondered “why” or “how” AMG does what they do.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint Roadmap
Okay, so I tried to cover this but I missed a big chunk of info. And to be completely transparent I kept checking the AMG Twitch page to see if this was available for rewatching. It wasn’t until today when I thought “Oh I wonder if they moved this stuff over to youtube.” And here we are and why I’m sharing these links with you fine folks today.
Anyhow, there’s lots of really great reveals in that video and you can watch if for yourself. But I did want to drop one pretty big spoiler/highlight:
Go watch that video.
Aside from that, there are (again) quite a few painting streams that are pretty great. You should absolutely check those out for more tips on painting your Star Wars: Shatterpoint miniatures. Aside from that though, they have two more interesting videos that are about Star Wars: Shatterpoint from the game development side:
This first one is a fun watch because it gets into the early days of Shatterpoint and some of the details about how this game was created. It also explains why they didn’t have it cross over with MCP. While I am still a little bummed they didn’t use the same system (to allow for cross-play) I totally get why now. And honestly, I’m okay with it!
In this video AMG covers the basics of how they bring characters from the Star Wars universe to the tabletop. They cover a ton of cool info as to how they select characters, design them up, play test them and ultimately get them in your hands.
Again, both of these are really great watches if you’re interested in game development or ever wanted to know “how the sausage gets made” so to speak.
Star Wars: Legion Roadmap
The final video is actually one that I’m betting a lot of folks didn’t even know was going to be a thing! There’s good news for Star Wars: Legion fans:
Reinforcements are Inbound for Star Wars: Legion.
Republic Clone Troopers are finally coming!
Empire Range Troopers (from the Solo Movie) are coming as well!
LM4k Crab Droid — It’s Crabbin’ Time!
Rebel Saboteurs. These are the “towns folks” who are rising up to fight against the Empire.
Rebel Commandos are also inbound. Check out all those different heads!
The Storm Troopers are getting an update in hard plastic. You can really tell these are a lot sharper in details and are going to be a lot of fun to work on.
Luke and Leia are getting a glow-up with a pair of new hard plastic versions. These are still WIP but they are looking really good.
And finally, a new Commander Vader model that’s also in hard plastic.