D&D: Five Spells for Getting Out of Trouble

Getting caught red-handed doesn’t mean facing the consequences of your actions. Ask any politician. Or use one of these spells!
Look. I’m not here to judge you. Believe me, I understand. I’ve been where you are right now. Sometimes you have to steal all the furniture from the estate of the noble who was a snob to you. And sure, you didn’t start the fire, but when the manor is burning down all around you, are they going to take your word for it?
But what is D&D if not a vehicle for power fantasies like:
- Feeling meaningfully rested and restored after eight uninterrupted hours of sleep
- Seeing measurable, incremental improvements regularly
- Having enough money to buy more than what you need to survive
So the next time that greatest of fiends “the consequences of my own actions” comes ’round, reach for one of these spells for getting out of trouble.
Disguise/Alter Self
They can’t pin it on you if you were in disguise. That’s just common sense. And with alter or disguise self, you can magically disguise yourself so that if there are any witnesses, they saw the magical mask you were wearing. Are you a roguishly good-looking half-elf? Well, they’d never suspect you if they’re looking for a good-looking, roguish Dragonborn. These two spells are among the easiest and most accessible spells for getting out of trouble in D&D.
Charm Person/Glibness
Sometimes though you just need to have the right friends. A little bit of Charisma can go a long way, especially if you either charm them to believe you’re old and dear friends, or, if you can always roll at least a 15 on a Charisma check, and tell lies so convincingly that you fool even a Zone of Truth.
Dimension Door
Sometimes you’ve just got to get away though. After all, if they can’t catch you, they can’t make you answer for your misdeeds. The ultimate in terms of getaway spells is Dimension Door – a short-range teleport that takes you wherever you want without the risk of a mishap. You don’t have to know where you’re going or have a teleport destination that might backfire, you just have to pick a direction and bamf your way out of there.
Plane Shift
Of course, sometimes even the other side of the Prime Material Plane isn’t enough. Sometimes you need to be on a whole other plane of existence. If you need to shift realities, Plane Shift is the way to go. Just set a course for the Plane of your choice and hope for the best.
Of course, the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card is just having everyone think you’re dead. And the best way to do that is by actually being dead.
Don’t worry, this is D&D. You’ll get better. And Reincarnate is the best way because you come back as someone new. The magic of the Reincarnate spell creates an entirely new body for you–so you might come back as an entirely different creature like a Tiefling or Dwarf—it’s basically the ultimate clean slate, but you get to keep all your memories and experiences, and abilities.
So shed your old life and the consequences of your actions.
Anyway, use these the next time you need to get out of a jam.