Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ Destruction Weekend

There’s a stormcloud on the horizon and it’s the destruction of empires ahead for the Age of Sigmar!
via Games Workshop
Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute (Limited Edition) $80
About This Edition:
This beautifully presented version of Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute is a limited edition featuring a green ribbon bookmark, a soft-touch cover with gloss art, gold foil blocking, and gilt page edges. It’s strictly limited to 300 individually-numbered copies, only available while stocks last – a stunning addition to any Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection.
Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute $50
The Twin-Tailed Crusade is the greatest Dawnbringer expedition ever assembled. Across Aqshy and Ghyran, it plunges into the untamed wilds of the Mortal Realms, tasked by the Grand Conclave of Hammerhal with the foundation of two mighty strongholds. Yet the crusade’s two armoured columns soon find themselves facing the wrath of titans.
Trugg the Troggoth King is roused from an ages-long slumber, rampaging across the Realm of Fire to smash those who would disturb his rest. In the depths of Ghyran, King Brodd, Prophet of the World Titan, seeks revenge against those Sigmarites who slew his colossal forefather. Only faith and firepower will see the Dawnbringers through – and keep their dreams of civilisation alive.
Reign of the Brute is the second chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic series of books driving forward the narrative of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll find loads of riveting background material detailing the travails of the Twin-Tailed Crusade and its mortal champions, as well as the mighty beasts and hordes of Destruction that roam Aqshy and Ghyran. The book also includes a set of Path to Glory campaign rules that link into later Dawnbringer books, as well as new warscrolls, narrative battleplans, and four armies of renown.
Inside this 96-page hardback book you’ll find:
– A high-stakes, action-filled narrative spread across both Aqshy and Ghyran, as the Twin-Tailed Crusade encounters foes that are vast, ancient, and angry
– Warscrolls, background, and pitched battle profiles for Trugg the Troggoth King and new Ironjawz units, such as monstrous Maw-grunta Gougers
– Path to Glory rules for sending your Cities of Sigmar army on a Ghyranite or Aqshian crusade, with branching quests, battleplans, and new rewards
– Rules for four themed armies of renown, each with new allegiance abilities: Trugg’s Troggherd, the Grunta Stampede, King Brodd’s Stomp, and the Grundstok Expeditionary Force
– Four new narrative battleplans that let you use armies of renown to play out key moments in the story on the tabletop
This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. This includes all warscrolls that can be used with the armies of renown found in this book.
Dawnbringers: Gloomspite Gitz – Trugg’s Great Troggherd $150
Trugg is the mightiest of all troggoths. A towering mass of strength and ill temper, he carries atop his back an arcane leystone of ancient design, which fuels his already formidable physical might with unpredictable bursts of elemental magic. In his wake follows a troggherd of unmatched size, shaking the very realms as they wander from leyline to leyline, wrecking everything in their wake.
This boxed set builds Trugg the Troggoth King, available here for the first time alongside a retinue of Rockgut Troggoths. Trugg is a huge troggoth infused with ancient magics, covered in ritual scars and tangled vines. Imposing antlers curl out from his brow like a crown, and the strange artefact fused to his hunched back crackles with otherworldly power – especially when Trugg smacks it with his club, which is capped with the shell of a massive ironshell snail.
Rules for fielding Trugg the Troggoth King in your Gloomspite Gitz armies – and mustering the Trugg’s Troggherd army of renown – can be found in Dawnbringers Book II: Reign of the Brute, which is available separately.
This set includes the following:
– 1x Trugg the Troggoth King
– 6x Rockgut Troggoths
All models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Rabble-Rowza $35
Rabble-Rowzas are grots who have taken it upon themselves to rile up the subterranean hordes. These self-important agitators clatter their weapons, stamp their feet, and bellow ‘wakey-wakey’ at deafening volume. So grating are their magically enhanced voices that they can stir even the most stubborn troglodytic titans from their slumber.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Rabble-Rowza, a Moonclan demagogue for the Gloomspite Gitz. Protected by his fearsome squig-skull armour, this noisy leader whips cave-dwelling monsters into a frothing frenzy. Should any foes get too close, the Rabble-Rowza lashes out with a moon-sickle and basha, whilst their screeching flock of mushroom-stuffed bat squigs dive-bomb enemies in explosive fashion.
This kit comprises 10 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Vanguard: Orruk Warclans $140
The Orruk Warclans love to fight – in fact, it’s no lie to say that their entire culture revolves around conflict. The swamp-dwelling Kruleboyz are an unusual breed of orruk, for they prize deviousness over brute strength. To the Kruleboyz, winning by underhanded means is worth more than claiming victory in a straight fight – and they’re very underhanded indeed…
If you want to inflict sneaky tricks and blood-curdling violence on the Mortal Realms, this box makes an ideal start to an Orruk Warclans army – or an excellent way to expand your Kruleboyz collection – and will save you money compared to buying the kits individually. The box includes a Killaboss on a Great Gnashtoof to lead from the back, with a roster of vicious Gutrippaz and Boltboyz, plus a poison-spewing Belcha-banna and a powerful Killbow. It’s a full army in one box, ready to stalk from the swamps in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
– 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
– 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna
– 1x Beast-skewer Killbow
– 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz
– 10x Gutrippaz
All models are supplied with their appropriate bases.
These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Tuskboss on Maw-grunta $80
To be a Tuskboss, an orruk must claim mastery over a particularly ferocious Maw-grunta – an utterly monstrous hog, with enough brute strength and dim-witted determination to batter through anything in its path. These mounted warlords lead the charge by steering their stampeding behemoths straight into the enemy lines, striking down foes left and right as the beast barrels forward with explosive impact.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta – a fearless Ironjawz leader riding a porcine monstrosity. The Tuskboss steers his massive mount with a pair of thick chains, keeping a vicious pig-hacka strapped to his belt for close combat. He’s joined by a hakkin’ krew – two orruks chained to the sides of his steed, swinging huge kill-choppas to carve a path for their boss. The Maw-grunta crushes foes beneath its trampling trotters or gores them on its mighty tusks, protected by heavy armour – including intimidating head plates and tusk-mounted blades. It can also be adorned with an optional nose-ring.
This kit can alternatively build a Maw-Grunta with Hakkin’ Krew, or a Maw-grunta Gouger.
This kit comprises 81 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 120mm Oval Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Ardboy Big Boss $35
Ardboy Big Bosses are veteran Ironjawz with an eye for the battlefield and enough bellowing presence to browbeat their lads into line. Only the toughest of Ardboys survive long enough to become a Big Boss – these formidable warriors can turn a boisterous orruk horde into a disciplined killing machine that advances in a semblance of formation before crashing into the enemy like an armoured fist.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Ardboy Big Boss, a heavy-handed commander of the Ironjawz clans. This hulking orruk is armed with a boss-hacka polearm and jagged choppa – all the better for bashing and butchering any foes who test his might. His heavy armour and fearsome muzzle fit perfectly with the Ardboys he leads to battle, and his back-mounted icon helps him stand out from the ranks even more.
This kit comprises eight plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 40mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Orruk Ardboys $60
Orruk Ardboys plough into the fray with a mad bellow and the clatter of heavy pig-iron plate. These mobs of ferocious, battle-scarred fighters smash their way through the enemy’s ranks with an array of crude but wickedly sharp weapons, bashing aside return blows – and unlucky opponents – using heavy shields.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Orruk Ardboys, the frontline fighters of the Ironjawz clans. Each Ardboy carries a hefty slab-like shield, and can be armed with either a choppa or a long-handled stikka. You can build one model as an Ardboy Boss to lead the mob with a unique choppa and a choice of heads, and another model as a Gorkamorka Glyph Bearer who carries one of two different back-mounted glyphs.
You’ll find a wide variety of different heads, shields, hands, and weapons, all of which are totally interchangeable – no matter how big your Waaagh! grows, you can ensure that your Ironjawz look like a proppa motley mob.
This kit comprises 98 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Zoggrok Anvilsmasha $45
Zoggrok Anvilsmasha is a legend amongst the Ironjawz, for he has mastered the art of hammering the destructive force of the Waaagh! into iron, stone, and bone. Accompanied by Klonk, his rockbrow squig, Zoggrok uses his ‘bashin’ tools’ to channel Gorkamorka’s power into the weapons of orruks gathered around him. These green-hot blades thrum with wrath, eager to unleash their raging energy in combat.
This multipart plastic kit builds Zoggrok Anvilsmasha, a famed orruk ironsmith accompanied by Klonk, his pet rockbrow squig. Zoggrok wades into battle with his skull-crushing basha, a weighty hammer that’s good for pounding on metal and faces alike. He can also be armed with a set of sharp-toothed grunta-tongs, or a ward-smashing choppa that shatters protective charms. He wears a metalworking apron over his heavy armour, laden with tools, and even his jaw features a crude metal prosthetic of Zoggrok’s own making.
Klonk joins Zoggrok in both fights and the forge, using its hardened, scale-plated, curiously-shaped skull to ram foes… or provide an impromptu anvil.
This kit comprises 20 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 50mm Round Base and a Citadel 25mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Brute Ragerz $60
Brute Ragerz hurl themselves at the biggest and meanest foes, swinging huge two-handed weapons with brutal force. They’re driven by frenzied arrogance, desperate to overcome the humiliation of a previous defeat – few things are more dangerous than an orruk determined to prove just how ’ard they really are.
This multipart plastic kit builds three Brute Ragerz – berserker orruks eager to show off their strength. These fearless fighters race into battle without the heavy breastplates worn by most Ironjawz, wielding a variety of heavy melee weapons – the kit includes a chain-smasha flail, a mighty gore-hacka blade, or a Brute crusha warclub for each Rager, allowing you to customise your maniacal mob.
This set can alternatively build three Weirdbrute Wrekkaz, clad in terrifying war-masks.
This kit comprises 50 plastic components, and comes with 3x Citadel 40mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Gloomspite Gitz Dice Set $40
Roll your way to victory under the light of the Bad Moon with this awesome dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
A set of six-sided, Gloomspite Gitz-themed dice for games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The 1-5 facings are traditionally pipped – the ‘6’ facing is decorated with a Gloomspite Gitz faction icon, da Bad Moon.
20x 16mm x 16mm x 16mm round cornered dice, in a light yellow colour, with black ink.