Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ Tyranid Invasion Weekend

The Tyranids have landed on the Games Workshop page. Get your pre-orders in before all their biomass is consumed and converted into plastic.
via Games Workshop
Codex: Tyranids – Collectors Edition $100
About This Edition:
The magnificent Collectors’ Edition of Codex: Tyranids features unique variant artwork on a soft-touch cover with silver foil detailing, as well as purple foil page edges and a black ribbon bookmark. This edition is a limited print run and is only available while stocks last.
Codex: Tyranids $60
The Tyranids are an all-consuming alien swarm from beyond the known galaxy. Driven by the vast and ineffable intellect of the Hive Mind, their tendrils drive into fresh systems with every passing hour. These single-minded metapredators cannot be reasoned with, bought off, or put to flight. They seek only to strip each new world they encounter, devouring every shred of biomass to feed the relentless advance of the hive fleets and leaving dead, airless husks in their wake.
Endlessly adaptable, the Tyranids possess no mechanical technology. Instead, their weapons and wargear are symbiotic or parasitic organisms, bonded with their wielders and capable of annihilating prey with hails of bio-acid, living projectiles, and ravaging psionic energies. From seething masses of warrior organisms to malevolent leader-beasts and walking battle-tank-sized monsters, the Tyranid swarms are as nightmarish as they are unstoppable.
This book is an essential guide for anyone who wants to collect Tyranids and unleash the power of the Hive Mind on the tabletop. Inside these pages, you’ll find all the rules you need to play a Tyranids army in games of Warhammer 40,000 – including Crusade and Combat Patrol rules – along with detailed accounts of their rapacious behaviour, divergent hive fleets, horrifying biotechnology, and invasions past and present.
Inside this 120-page hardback book, you’ll find:
– In-depth background information exploring the alien nature and murky origins of the Tyranids, from their nightmarish biology to the history of the Tyrannic Wars
– Stunning artwork highlighting the horrifying variety and vast scope of these ever-evolving xenos swarms
– 47 datasheets detailing the profiles, wargear, and unique abilities of every Tyranids unit, from swarming Termagants to the mighty Norn Emissary
– Six themed Detachments for Tyranids armies, such as the Invasion Fleet and Crusher Stampede, each with their own set of special rules
– Crusade rules for infesting and consuming entire planets in your narrative campaigns, as your army feasts on its victims and develops new adaptations
– Self-contained Combat Patrol rules and a painting guide, allowing you to play fast-paced games with the Vardenghast Swarm
– An ‘Eavy Metal showcase of superbly-painted Citadel miniatures to inspire you, featuring a variety of Tyranid hive fleet colour schemes
This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Tyranids content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.
Combat Patrol: Tyranids $160
The Tyranids invade the galaxy from beyond the intergalactic void, their hive fleets slithering into every system and sector. The Vardenghast Swarm is a clutch of Tyranid organisms that has reaped a bloody toll of prey, categorised as an alpha-class threat by Imperial cryptosavants after a series of brutal battles along the Vardenghast Line. Flowing into the fight like a single, many-bodied entity, these vicious aliens swiftly close the distance to their enemies before riddling them with gruesome bio-ammunition or tearing them limb from limb.
Consume all for the Hive Mind with Combat Patrol: Tyranids! This boxed set contains all the units you need to start your army or expand an existing collection. These miniatures provide a swarming core for any Tyranids army, and can also be used as a complete force for Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000 – the Combat Patrol rules are available as a free download on the Warhammer Community website.
This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
– 1x Winged Tyranid Prime
– 1x Psychophage
– 3x Von Ryan’s Leapers
– 5x Barbgaunts
– 20x Termagants, armed with fleshborers
– 2x Ripper Swarms
All models come with their appropriate bases. These push-fit miniatures can be assembled without glue, and are supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.
Norn Emissary / Norn Assimilator $115
Each Norn Emissary is a purpose-bred beast, spawned by its Norn Queen to accomplish a specific and singular objective – be it hunting a strategically gifted commander, abducting a knowledgeable prey-being, or pursuing some other ineffable goal. These colossal heralds of the Hive Mind’s agenda meld terrifying psionic potential with speed, intelligence, and monstrous strength, ensuring that a Norn Emissary is more than equal to its alien task.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Norn Emissary, a psychic monster tailored to overcome all resistance. Stood atop a ruined structure covered in Tyranid growths, the Emissary shreds all opposition with massive scything talons and cruel, dextrous claws, its visible brain tissue suffused with unnatural power. The Norn Emissary stands amongst the larger creatures in the Tyranids range, towering above even a Hive Tyrant – it’s an excellent centrepiece model, loaded with alien detail to show off your painting skills. The kit also includes two different lower torsos, allowing you to pose your Emissary surveying the battlefield or leering down at its prey.
This miniature can alternatively be built as a Norn Assimilator, a single-minded Tyranid monster with toxic bone harpoons.
This kit comprises 58 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 100mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Genestealers $55
Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying strength and agility. Their broods move far ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets, to seek out fresh feeding grounds and spread their insidious genetic infection amongst the defenders. When the invasion swarms finally descend, the Genestealers burst from hiding to begin the slaughter.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Genestealers, fast and deadly melee killers for Tyranids and Genestealer Cults armies. These terrifying, four-armed creatures sport clutching talons alongside deadly rending claws, and each features a different dynamic pose for stalking across the battlefield. The kit includes cosmetic head options for every Genestealer, allowing you to build your entire brood with fanged maws and slavering tongues, feeder tendrils for that classic Ymgarl look, or mix-and-match for evolutionary variety. You’ll also find four heads with protruding, barbed ovipositors – ready to deliver the infamous Genestealer’s Kiss…
This kit comprises 109 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Hormagaunts $50
Hormagaunts are swarming shock troops, seeded onto prey worlds in their billions. As simple hunter-slayer organisms, spawned Hormagaunts can be left to rampage across battlefields and populations, wearing down defence lines and forcing the prey to expend lives and ammunition. Many formidable bastions have been buried in literal mountains of these chitinous horrors, driven by the will of a terrible synapse beast.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Hormagaunts, as well as a Ripper Swarm to expand your skittering tide. These aggressive creatures each feature different poses – some leaping, some stalking, and some lunging, as befits their predatory speed and role as close-quarters killers. These poses can be combined with a variety of different head designs, allowing you to keep your Hormagaunts looking varied no matter how big your swarm grows.
This kit comprises 68 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases and a Citadel 40mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Termagants $45
Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, armed with living weapons that spit flesh-eating organisms and venomous spines. Originally spawned to roam the tight arterial passages of hive ships and hunt intruders, Termagants harry their prey with a hail of firepower, seeking always to outflank and envelop their victims as they erode their numbers.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Termagants, as well as a Ripper Swarm to expand your chitinous tide. Each Termagant can be armed with your choice of three biological armaments – a compact fleshborer, beetle-infested devourer, or paired spinefists. The kit also includes special weapon options for three of the Termagants – one can be armed with an explosive shardlauncher, one with a long-barrelled spike rifle, and one with a mucous-spewing strangleweb.
This kit comprises 79 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Hex Hole Bases, and a Citadel 40mm Round Hex Hole Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Lictor $50
Lictors are a sinister adaptation of the Tyranid Warrior bioform, specialising in infiltration, scouting, and assassination. Hidden by their chameleonic skin, these vanguard beasts stalk their prey beyond the reach of the Hive Mind’s synaptic web, leading the greater swarm to fresh targets with a potent pheromone trail. Lictors pick off their prey opportunistically, always looking for a chance to crack open an unwary skull and use their feeder tendrils to suck out the secrets within.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Lictor, a fearsome Tyranid ambush predator. This cunning creature lunges from shadows and darts up sheer vertical surfaces to tear foes apart, striking with its distinctive mantis-like talons. The Lictor’s feeder tendrils allow it to even digest a victim’s memories, and the kit includes two different heads – one with trailing feeder tendrils, the other with its tendril membrane aggressively flared.
This massively customisable monstrosity uses a variety of interchangeable legs, clawed arms, and scenic basing elements to create different poses for creeping across the battlefield – build your Lictor in a hunched stalk, braced to pounce, or looming ominously upright. Joints in its neck and scything talons allow you to adjust the pose even further, and extend or retract every element of its wickedly bladed arms.
This kit comprises 56 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 50mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Deathleaper $60
The Deathleaper is a rare and advanced development of the Lictor strain, perfectly evolved to act as a terror weapon. This apex Lictor possesses an instinctive understanding of how to spread fear through hostile forces and prey populations alike, using its skills in stealth, infiltration, and assassination to sow paranoia and dread before the hive fleet attacks en masse.
This multipart plastic kit builds Deathleaper, the evolutionary pinnacle of the Lictor bioform. This epic creature looms dramatically over its lesser cousins, perched atop the infested wreckage of a ruined facility. Deathleaper exhibits all the classic Lictor features, augmented to be even more impressive and terrifying – more powerful talons and claws, extended and spiked tendrils, two additional pairs of eyes, and a living cloak of membranous webbing that shifts to obscure its silhouette even further. It’s a fantastic project for painters, covered with alien biological details, and makes a sinister centrepiece model for stealthy Tyranid armies.
This kit comprises 44 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 60mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Neurolictor $40
Neurolictors are nightmarish living weapons of psychological warfare, engineered to implant mind-altering parasites and project a neural disruption field that provokes atavistic terror responses in even the most hardened prey. As an offshoot of the Lictor bioform, Neurolictors possess a nigh-supernatural ability to evade notice – which renders their sabotage all the more terrifying, as these insidious effects often seem to emerge from out of thin air.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Neurolictor, a stealthy Tyranid terror weapon. This eerie, eyeless creature’s sinister silhouette and mantis-like claws make its Lictor heritage clear, but the Neurolictor sports a massively overdeveloped alien brain, a prehensile cranial stinger, and barbed feeder tendrils – all vital adaptations for its vile role as a mind-destroying saboteur.
This kit comprises 15 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 50mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Biovore / Pryovore $50
Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bodies. Upon anchoring itself to the ground with chitinous spurs, a Biovore undergoes violent spasms that expel its volatile offspring in high arcs as living ammunition. From there, the gas-bloated Spore Mines detonate in a shower of bone shards and acid rain, or else drift languidly down onto the battlefield, primed to explode whenever prey draws near.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Biovore – a sentient Tyranid mortar – as well as three floating Spore Mines. The Biovore’s lumbering form supports a symbiotic dorsal launcher, its spore-sac bulging with biological explosives waiting to be fired. The Spore Mines can be launched onto the battlefield by the Biovore, or simply rain down from the skies. The kit offers several alternate leg poses and basing elements for the Biovore, as well as three distinct designs of Spore Mine, allowing you to maintain variety in your brood as you build a whole battery of artillery-beasts.
The Biovore in this kit can alternatively be built as a Pyrovore, a fire-spewing Tyranid creature.
This kit comprises 37 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 80mm Round Base and 3x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Tyranids Dice Set $32
Tyranids desire nothing less than to consume every living organism in the galaxy. If that sounds like your jam, you can join in the cosmic feast with every dice roll – and look the business while doing it – using these themed dice!
This set includes 16 six-sided dice, measuring 16mm along each squared-off edge. They are cast in purple with a pearlescent swirl effect, with white markings and the Tyranids icon – a two-headed alien creature – on the 6 face for each dice.