Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Sharpen Your Blades

We’ve got a new Rumor Engine and while it’s clear what the object is the solution isn’t quite so simple. But that’s the entire point, right?
Welcome to another Tuesday Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. This time around we’ve got an interesting blade to look at as well as a new meta-narrative that’s taking shape. It’s the next chapter in the Rumor Engine saga — or at least the start of something new on that front. Anyhow, here’s the image!
So what are we looking at? Well, it’s a blade of something for sure. Is it a knife, sword, glaive, or just a machete for lawn care — that’s the question! What’s interesting to me is the design of the weapon. It’s like it’s made of two different types of material with the blade and then spine looking different. It think it’s probably easier to rule out certain armies or styles than to just guess what faction this could be from. Or even 40k or AoS for that matter.
It’s too clean to be Orky or Orruky. If this was AoS I don’t think it would be something from the Destruction Grand Alliance at all. It’s not “spiky” looking or cruel enough to be chaos in either 40k or AoS either. Is it elegant enough to be Aeldari? Not so sure about that one. If the blade is obsidian or bone that could explain the difference in material. But what’s up with the saw teeth?
The old Sly Marbo had a “knife” with the saw teeth in it once. So that design isn’t uncommon. But I’m not sold on this one being Imperial either. Honestly, this one has me stumped. That’s where you come in! Drop us a line in the comments with that you think this Rumor Engine could be.
Meta-Narrative Update – A New Adept Approaches
So the “story” of the Rumor Engine is continuing with a new spin. Previously, we had the “AI” of the machine come to life, interject, and then go dormant again. Now, it seems like we’ve got a new “Adept of the WarCom Illuminati” who’s been assigned to this post. They are posting their logs with the image. It’s the most text we’ve ever had for a Rumor Engine as they are expressing their concerns over their new posting. Again, it seems very meta. We’ll have to wait and see if these logs continue or if the “Adept” goes crazy eventually. As a kindred spirit I hope it’s not too painful a process for them…
It’s fine to talk to your servo-skull, right? It’s not like it’s YOUR skull even if your conversations are pretty one sided…
So what do you think this new Rumor Engine could be?