Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist – World Eaters Triple Punch

In great news the new 40K Balance Dataslate points for World Eaters has let me build the red & brass list of my dreams!
I wont’ lie – I was very sad at the initial 10th Edition points as I couldn’t fit in two Land Raiders, Angron, and a pile of Eightbound. It made me very sad Goatboy as I sat staring at the Land Raiders I cleaned up from my ancient model-building days and ancient 40K gameplay. But the new Balance Dataslate points mean I can fit all these World Eaters together, throw some other models in, and maybe build something quick enough to make it to assault in the end.
Putting the Bloody Brass Band Back together
First of all we need Angron. He is just awesome and getting him to come back at least once would be amazing for this style of army. From there I want to have two Land Raiders as it means less models on the table, looks awesome, and lets me play how I want to play. With that in the list, I then want to put as many Eightbound in as I can as well. They will help get me there, punch the crap out of people, and wreck face – like Khorne demands!
Warhammer 40K List – World Eaters – Triple Punch
Angron – Warlord – 415pts
World Eaters Chaos Lord – Enhancement – Berzerker Glaive – 125pts
-Other Units-
Eightbound X 3 – 135pts
Eightbound X 3 – 135pts
Eightbound X 6 – 270pts
Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 150pts
Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 150pts
Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher – 240pts
Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher – 240pts
Chaos Spawn X 2 – 65pts
Chaos Spawn X 2 – 65pts
Pts: 1990
Armylist Tactics
This is a pretty simple World Eaters list. It is going to come at you fast with a lot of stuff. It all scouts for the most part and is ready to wreck your face. Roll those dice, get your gifts, and get to working over the enemy in the most glorious blood letting possible. Angron cannot be ignored. I love the idea of two Land Raiders push forward, dropping off some Eightbound jerks, and just getting as much wreckage in as you can. The spawn are there to hold the back field and while we could utilize the Favoured of Khorne ability I do think the Glaive can help get that unit rocking when they hit as a second wave.
Skulls for the Skull Throne!