Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness – Space Marine Primaris Aggressors

Goatboy here and today’s 40K Meta Hotness is the cheap as heck Space Marine Primaris Aggressors. Let’s dive into why they appear to be pretty hot right now.
I hear you like a wave of Bolter fire to wash over you and burn away a your sins. I also think you need to find a use for all those Aggressors that were in those old Combat Patrols.
Primaris Aggressors with Boltstorm Guantlets of dakka-dakka are going to be some of the new hot boys for Space Marines. An aggressive point drops mixed with a batch of powerful rules means these guys are going to get on the table, be fat enough to not die, and then wreck you with waves of bullets. Let’s dive in and see how Chad and his Gravis Space Marine bros knock your teeth out.
Space Marine Aggressors Shoot a Lot!
So if you have the Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets plus the Fragstorm Grenade Laucher you get a little model that can throw out a ton of decent damage. You throw in some ability to Reroll things with Oath and Twinlinked you start to get even more damage. Then you add in some character options like the new Apothecary Biologis for Lethal Hits or Advance and charge options with other Characters. Throw in Storm of Fire and you start to have AP-2 attacks with the stack power of that Strat and shooting the closest target. Heck I just wish there were more Gravis armored options to attach to units and allow for some crazy combos.
Aggressors Can Fight Too!
They even have power fists which is just scary to try and get into. They hit pretty well, have a decent amount of attacks, and you can’t keep them locked down as they punch their way to freedom. The flamer ones seem nutty as well as they can throw out a ton of damage at range with combos too.
Aggressors are Cheap!
Oh did I mention the unit is cheap too? A unit of 3 is 100 points which is just a steal! Heck six of them for 200 points seems amazing. They can be placed in the middle, survive damage that comes to them, and be a pain to try and dig out of wherever they are hiding. That just seems like a crazy amount of points for these bolter daddies who love to riddle you with bullets.
Space Marine Aggressors Are Tough as Nails!
Oh they are also toughness 6, have 3 wounds, and sit with a 3+ save. That is a pretty tank profile for a 100 point unit of 3 who want to show you the path of the Emperor and the ways of the power fist. You must join their cult and wear great shoulder pads for the golden space daddy.
Space Marine Aggressors are going to be showing up on tabletops. As we get events running this weekend with the full set of rules will see more of them in Space Marines lists. Their cost seems so low and hopefully new Marine rules will just make them better. Go look for them in all those ancient Combat Patrol boxes and complain at how much of a pain it is to sync up those dang back leg cables.
For the Emperor!