The Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy XIV is Getting a TTRPG – With No Restrictions on Playtime

The cat is out of the bag. Well, the Moogle is, at any rate: Final Fantasy XIV is getting an official TTRPG sometime next year.
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? Of course, you have. And now, it’s going to be getting an official TTRPG. There is no word on whether or not it will include the award-winning Heavensward expansion.
But the only restrictions on playtime will be the ones that your fragile meat bodies impose. The news came early yesterday when it seemed Square Enix accidentally unveiled their TTRPG pre-order page before being taken down about six hours later. At press time, it’s back because the internet can keep very few secrets for very long.
Which means you can go ahead and just take a look and see what’s cooking.
Charge Chocobos!
Final Fantasy XIV Official TTRPG Starter Set
Based on the hit MMO Final Fantasy XIV, the FFXIV TTRPG is a tabletop roleplaying game that lets you experience Eorzea from a whole new perspective. Step into the shoes of a heroic adventurer or assume the game master’s mantle, then cooperate to forge your own unique stories within the vast and exciting universe of Final Fantasy XIV.
The Final Fantasy XIV TTRPG Starter Set comes with everything you need to dive into the game and includes both the Player Book and the Gamemaster Book.
Gather your friends together to explore, battle, and roleplay–the only limits are your imagination, and the only goal is to have fun. Discover a realm of adventure reborn!
The starter set comes with both a player book and gamemaster book, including three ready-to-run scenarios that are supposed to tie directly into the main storyline of Final Fantasy XIV. So maybe the Heavensward expansion is included after all.
There will also be four premade characters, which show off some of the character types you’ll be able to play: Warrior, White Mage, Dragoon, and Black Mage. As well as some dice that give a curious insight into the ruleset: 6d20 and 10d6.
Eorzea awaits, adventurer.