Three Days Left For ‘The Magnus Archives’ RPG Crowdfunding – Get In On the Eldritch Goodness

The Magnus Archives RPG’s phenomenally successful crowdfunding campaign is coming to a close in three days. But there’s still time…
The Magnus Archives, if you’re unaware, is an extremely popular horror podcast. It follows an investigation into the strange things lurking in the archives of the Magnus Institute. Which, you know, we need more of these days. The Magnus Archives excels at bringing to life a world of unsettling dread and bewildered archivists. It’s a world just begging to be explored.
Soon, you’ll be able to do so, thanks to the phenomenally successful crowdfunding campaign for The Magnus Archives RPG. Designed by none other than Monte Cook Games, the Magnus Archives RPG invites you personally to enter the archives. Just be careful, for you never know what you might find.
Magnus Archives RPG – Now on Backerkit
In The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game, you play a member of an investigative team researching reports of supernatural activity. For 200 years, the Magnus Institute has quietly collected statements from people of all walks of life, detailing their personal experiences with the supernatural, and you’re part of that organization or one very much like it.
Your records are filled with disparate statements of bizarre occurrences—usually with a very chilling edge. Statements discuss people (or creatures?) such as an odd figure that beckons drunken pubgoers into an alleyway—never to be seen again; items like a meat grinder that somehow compels its users to merrily feed it their own limbs; events like a late-night subway trip in which the train burrowed itself into the earth, all but crushing its lone occupant.
All of which to say, The Magnus Archives RPG is all about horror. But it takes a very different tack. The game is designed to let an investigation lead you into ever more expansive places. But each investigation starts of small.
How does it manage this? The game adapts the Cypher System. In order to hit the Magnus Archive’s themes of horror and its own particular brand of action, a number of new mechanics have been implemented:
You’ll find changes to the damage system, new ways characters can advance, and special mechanics that escalate the tension as your adventure progresses. And an innovative process for creating the witness statements at the root of each adventure—a process that deeply invests the entire gaming group into the investigations.
And in particular, a whole new set of mechanics portraying the fear and stress of these stories is woven throughout every aspect of the game. Stress not only measures the toll of these terrible encounters, but can translate, over time, into the remarkable changes to a character. Those crossing paths with the entities of this setting come away psychically scarred, but also sometimes with mysterious, supernatural abilities. Using such abilities might save your life, but it might also send you further into the clutches of the entities at the heart of such powers. A character might even eventually become an avatar of one of the Entities… but is that a good thing?
Statement begins…