Warhammer 40K: Combat Patrol Tyranids Pricing Breakdown

Is Combat Patrol: Tyranids worth picking up? Let’s attempt to breakdown the price of this boxed set to find out.
The Tyranids are getting a new Combat Patrol set from Games Workshop and it’s currently available for pre-order for $160. We’re going to take a closer look at the contents to figure out if this one is worth snagging or not. But this one is a bit trickier than previous offerings.
Combat Patrol: Tyranids
1x Winged Tyranid Prime
1x Psychophage
3x Von Ryan’s Leapers
5x Barbgaunts
20x Termagants, armed with fleshborers
2x Ripper Swarms
While we know the contents there’s one small problem with them in terms of trying to determine the pricing: not all of these units are available outside this box. Is this a new move by GW to obfuscate the pricing? Maybe. But we’re not going to let that stop us! Let’s start with the pricing for things that we know and move on from there.
Termagants come with 10 Termagants and 1 Ripper Swarm for $45. Now, the ones in this box appear to only have the Fleshborers as an option. But since that’s the only pricing we have and we know you’re getting double that in the box, that’s $90 right there.
Next up, we have the Barbgaunts which clock in at 5x Barbgaunts for $45. So that brings the total so far up to $135. Unfortunately, that’s going to be where our concrete pricing ends. If we stopped there, we’d be at $135 vs $160 which doesn’t make sense as we still haven’t accounted for multiple units include in the Combat Patrol:
1x Winged Tyranid Prime ?
1x Psychophage ?
3x Von Ryan’s Leapers ?
5x Barbgaunts = $45
20x Termagants, armed with fleshborers , 2x Ripper Swarms = $90
Individual MSRP: $135 + ???
The Breakdown Continues
So this is the part where we get into the unknowns. Let’s start with the Winged Tyranid Prime. We know that it’s a character on a larger base. And we’ve got some examples from the Tyranid range to help us guess:
On the top end, we’ve got the Deathleaper who’s a named character. While on the bottom we’ve got a more generic leader type with the Neurolictor. Having built both the Winged Tyranid Prime and the Nuerolictor, I can tell you the complexity level is a lot closer to the Neurolictor than the Deathleaper. So I’d estimate the Winged Tyranid Prime at closer to $40 in value.
The Psychophage might look big and bulky but it’s actually a SUPER simple kit because of how it’s laid out on the sprue. The old Carnifexes are much more complex than this kit. But that doesn’t always translate to a particular price point. So how would you price this one? Is it closer to a Trygon in price at $90 or closer to Tervigon at $60? Honestly, I don’t know how GW would price this out and frankly, I don’t think they are going to ever release this kit as a standalone. That said, unless there’s a run on this kit, you can pick one up from a certain internet auction site for around $20-$30. So let’s just assume that’s roughly 50% off what a retail kit would be and say the Psychophage is $60.
Von Ryan’s Leapers are the final piece of this puzzle. It’s three models that are about Venomthrope-sized at $75. You could also compare them to a Ravener Brood which clocks in at $55. That said, Raveners are older models while the Venomthropes are newer and probably closer to what “newer” models would cost. Then again, the new Pyrovore is $50. and based on the sprues, Von Ryan’s Leapers aren’t that much more complicated.
I’m hoping these are in the same range as Hormagants/Termagants/Barbgaunts. So let’s just be optimistic and say they are $45.
The Estimated Breakdown Total
Now that you know how we’ve gotten to these prices what’s the final damage?
1x Winged Tyranid Prime $40
1x Psychophage $60
3x Von Ryan’s Leapers $45
5x Barbgaunts = $45
20x Termagants, armed with fleshborers , 2x Ripper Swarms = $90
Individual MSRP: $280
Total Savings: $120
That’s our best guess until GW puts these other kits out for sale. So is this boxed set worth it? Well…that’s a tough one. If you missed out on the Leviathan Boxed set it’s hard to argue that this new Combat Patrol box isn’t worth it. That’s mainly because it’s the only place to get a few of these kits (at this time). If you DID get the Leviathan boxed set, well, you’ve already got these models! So you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it to yourself to double up on them.
Personally, I’d probably pass on this set only because I managed to split a Leviathan Box and I got the Tyranid half. The only unit I’d really want a second of is the Von Ryan’s Leapers as the Barbgaunts already have a boxed set and I’ve got more Termagants than a Tervigon can create in a game already. But if you’re not like me or brand new this box is certainly going to be worth a look. Plus it’s the Tyranid Combat Patrol and that’s a game mode folks need to check out!
Combat Patrol: Tyranids is up for Pre-order now and it’s (probably) a good deal vs individual MSRP!