Warhammer 40K: ‘Darktide’ Devs Talk New Class Overhaul – Major Rebalance Incoming

Warhammer 40K: Developers dropped a deep dive on the new class overhaul coming October 4th. Blitz skills, balance, and more await.
Over the weekend, Warhammer 40K: Darktide Developers went a lot more in-depth about the upcoming Class Overhaul system. Including a closer look at how the new skill system and talent trees will work. There’s a lot of rebalancing to be done, but it seems like the team has been hard at work.
And come October 4th, which is a lot closer now, we’ll all get to see firsthand. But in the meantime, come and take a look at some of the changes for the Class Overhaul.
Warhammer 40K Dark Tide Dev Diary – Class Overhaul
In a Developr Diary, Fatshark’s Mats Andersson, the resident Combat guy, tells the story of the Darktide team’s approach to redesigning classes and player choice. It has been a long road since launch to get here. But, here we are. First of all, Andersson talks about the approach.
One of the big things that the developers wanted to change was the way that character creation could feel with regard to build choices:
We wanted you to be able to pick and choose and define your own main character using any and all combinations of gameplay and cosmetic choices available. The whole “forge your own narrative” taken to a very personal level.
And to do that, they’ve built new talent trees and expanded each class. For instance, the Sharpshooter is just one style of build available to the Veteran. Andersson says the team hopes that by shifting the focus on class definitions, they’ll be able to offer more player freedom. The trees are thought of as more domains than classes. A Veteran, for instance, could be “anything from a sharpshooter to a squad leader to more commando/spec ops type character and anything in between.”
You can even mix and match as you navigate across the talent trees. You can take the Zealot tree and be mostly supported as a fanatic, but you might add in some of the mobility and up-close assassination from the deathcult tree. Of course, there are a lot of challenges in implementing this, but you can get a much closer look at what they have in the developer diary.
October 4th is gonna be a good day for Darktide.