Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness – Tyranid Norn Emissary

With the new Tyranid release we might see a new bit of 40K Meta Hotness showing up. The Norn Emissary seems poised to be a pain in the butt model to remove.
The Tyranid Norn Emissary feels pretty tough, has some cool rules, and might just see the tabletop in lists that need an objective bully. The idea of holding those points down, especially with its unique set of rules is an interesting option for the game. The model will be something worthwhile to try out as you look at unique ways to build a powerful Tyranid list.
Why is the Norn Emissary Good?
It’s Lethal
The first thing you will notice with this model is it has a really interesting set options for its Psychic attack. Each of the options are powerful in their own way with options that helpful in different matchups. You have a Melta that sits at strength 12 which can be very interesting in the vehicle matchup. You get a 2d6 Blast shot to clear out hordes with blast. You even have a Precision shot that can remove a pesky character stuck in a unit. All smashed together into a tough little Synapse model that can be a pain in the butt to remove.
It’s Tough
On the issues of removing front it has a 4+ inv save on top of having a 2+ save. It even has a rule where you can pick an objective to go after that gives this unit a 5+ FNP when in range of it and OC 15 on top of it. That’s right he doesn’t need to control it to get the FNP. But with an OC of 15 it’s pretty hard for it not to own that point on the battlefield. It also has a Toughness of 11. This helps let the Norn Emissary survive a lot of firepower that comes at it as it moves up the battlefield.
It’s Fast & Loves Objectives
It also moves pretty well to with a 10 inch movement which means it is going to get where it needs to go pretty quickly. I love a fast moving, tough synapse creature as it gives a nice “anchor” point for your Tyranids to play around. The Norn Emissary is good in all detachments too, so he isn’t a bad choice just to grab and use.
Oh and funny enough he has a 4+ mortal wound save too which is awesome just as extra protection to help from those dastardly mortal wounds. Its other rule would allow it to Reroll hits and wounds versus a target – but as this game scoring is so locked into objectives that it makes more sense to pick the ability to allow to survive more versus trying to do more damage.
It’s an interesting set up to see a unit so designed to control an objective. But I feel the Norn Emissary has a cool cascade of rules to utilize. Just saying it can control and hold objectives also fulfills the idea of how the “Tyranid Hive Mind” might work. Park this giant Tyranid plastic dudebro on what you want to capture and watch as it brings the Hive Mind to the battlefield.
Are you excited for the new Nids? Have you figured out your paint scheme? Are you ready to consume all for the Hive Mind?