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Warhammer 40K Next Week: Knights And Made To Order Terrain

3 Minute Read
Sep 17 2023

Next week’s pre-orders feature two plastic Knight kits, as well as a set of classic made-to-order 40K terrain. Check it out!

Next week is a particularly stompy one for Warhammer 40K players. Two classic Imperial Knight kits get released in plastic for the first time ever. The Cerastus Knights, both Acheron and Castigator are available in that sweet grey plastic we all know and love.

And alongside these knights, a set of made-to-order terrain to help fill out your battlefields and miniatures. GW has a whole suite of classic terrain kits that will be available to snag starting next Saturday. But first, the Knights!

Plastic Cerastus Knights

As mentioned, there are two Cerastus Knights coming out, starting with the Cerastus Knight Acheron. This variant of the Cerastus Knight is all about close combat with soft targets (though when you’re in an Imperial Knight, most targets are “soft” in comparison). It carries a flamestorm cannon, which is great at tearing through infantry, as well as a reaper chainfist for when you need to get up close and personal.

If you prefer to keep your big war machines at a slightly more distant scope, then you might prefer the Cerastus Knight Castigator. These are mid-range Knights, laying into enemies with a Castigator boltcannon. This is a solid weapon that affords the Knight great versatility in targets. And when things get close, the tempest warblade the Knight carries is absolutely devastating.

Made To Order Terrain

Meanwhile, Games Workshop is preparing for a swath of their classic terrain kits to be rereleased made-to-order style. Starting next Saturday, Sept. 23rd, and running through Monday October 2nd, you’ll be able to snag terrain from six different classic terrain kits.


There’s the Aegis Defence Line, Imperial Bastion, Skyshield Landing Pad (a BoLS favorite), the Imperial Bunker, Imperial Defence Emplacemet, and of course, the Imperial Defence Line.

Accompanying all of these are a set of Warhammer 40K Hero Bases, as well as the Sector Imperialis Large Base Detail Kit.


All this, next week!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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