Age of Sigmar: Magmadroths And Mawpits – Armies of Renown Rule Previews
The third book in the Dawnbringers series is coming and with it we’re getting new Fyreslayers and Ogor Mawtribe rules to play with.
The Long Hunt is coming and with it we’ll have four thematic armies to try out on the tabletop. Today, we’re getting a quick preview of the Ogor Mawtribes and their insatiable Mawpits as well as a look at the Lofnir Drothkeepers, too. First up we’ve got some Ogors to feed…
The Mawpits Hunger
“The Roving Maw Army of Renown saturates the air with gastromantic magic stoked by corpulent Ogor Butchers and their packs of Mawpack pariahs, puncturing the battlefield with gnashing mawpits – hungry rents in the ground that the Ogors believe represent their Gulping God.”
The Mawpits of Ghur are a new special rule that looks like it’s going to cause some serious mortal wounds to the field. You’re going to want to run a Head Butcher with this to get the greatest impact. But if can roll hot enough, you’ll do a ton of “free” damage to everyone not on terrain or without the Fly keyword.
With the only safe spaces on or within 1″ of terrain, you don’t have many options to get away from this hit. And even those spots will slowly disappear thanks to the Mawmeat spell:
Now, a boardwide slap with mortal wounds seems pretty good to me. We’ll have to wait to see the full points cost however and judge its usefulness based on that.
Keepers of the Magmadroths
“This army pairs Fyreslayers with powerful Magmadroths, only excluding unique units that lack the Lofnir keyword.”
Yep. You’re reading that correctly! It’s Magmadroth time with this army of renown. And they are really good at taking out other monster units:
Additionally, you’ll have plenty of battleline options with the Auric Runeson on Magmadroths counting as battleline. You’ll be able to take them as battleline as a 1:1 ratio with Vulkyn Flameseeker units. Oh and the Flameseeker units are also battleline. Load-up on these units so you can bring as many Magmadroths as you can fit in a list!
And why would you want all those Magmadroths? Well, aside from being flaming dragons, they are pretty awesome looking and hit relatively hard. And in this list they also get a special rampage, too:
There’s more coming for both of these armies in The Long Hunt. Get ready for the Ogor Mawtribes and Fyreslayers to get ramped-up on the tabletop as the Dawnbringer Crusades continue!
Hungry, Hungry Mawpits!