Age of Sigmar: Post-Battlescroll Win Rate Data Revealed

How much of an impact did the Battlescroll update have on Age of Sigmar? The answer is in the win rate data.
Games Workshop has posted the win rate data for the Age of Sigmar and we’re getting a look at the data that’s driving decisions for the game. Did the changes in the Battlescroll curb the outliers? Have a look:
You can see the ups and downward trends by the arrows on the right. But I also think it helps to see the previous numbers as well:
Again, the Battlescroll update happened between those win rate datasets. It does appear that the changes did manage to squish the top and bottom together a bit — which was one of the intended goals.
There are still some outliers as noted by the red win rates, but now there are only seven armies outside the sweet spot of 45-55% as opposed to the nine in the previous dataset. It’s a small change but it’s also worth noting that the big outlier at the top was at 61% previous and now the top army is at 58% — that’s not insignificant when you take into account how many total games are being counted here.
The Ossiarch Bonereapers are currently the top army in that spot with a 58% win rate. It seems like all those extra Order options and the new GHB are favoring their playstyle. I’m betting we’ll see some point adjustments to them as well as the Kharadron Overlords in the next Battlescroll updates.
Another success story from the Battlescroll is the armies at the bottom of the ladder have climbed up in win rate. All of the armies that left the outlier spots came from the bottom so those points and army adjustments appear to have worked.
Yet another facet of the data that was shared was the inclusion of certain Endless Spells. With spellcasting being such a big part of this General’s Handbook, it’s good to know what spells are popular. According to GW:
“Currently Malevolent Maelstrom is the most aggressive of the predatory Endless Spells, with a 58% win rate for armies that included it.”
If you’re wondering why this Endless Spell has become so potent it’s because it’s powered by other spell casting and slain models. Once it hits the magic number of six, it explodes and spits out mortal wounds to units in range. It’s not difficult to trigger that timebomb when you’re the one sending it.
Looking Ahead – Dawnbringers Arrive
WarCom also mentioned that the new Dawnbringer armies are coming and their impacts on the meta are going to be monitored. The Studio already has some adjustments in mind as well. They might not make those changes immediately but they have “…hands on the many levers that can be pulled to tweak the balance of the game…” so yes, they are watching.
If you want more insights into the change be sure to watch the very informative Metawatch video from GW:
Gotta get into that Goldilocks zone…