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D&D: ‘Planescape’ Takes Center Stage in 2024

2 Minute Read
Oct 4 2023

According to Jeremy Crawford, “Planescape is D&D,” and with the release of D&D 2024, the setting of settings will be more front and center.

Planescape and D&D’s many-splendored multiverse is going to be more center stage come the 2024 not-edition of D&D’s core rulebooks. At least, according to Jeremy Crawford, lead rules design for D&D. In a video promoting the new Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse boxed set, Crawford reveals just how Planescape will fit into WotC’s plan for a more multiverse-focused D&D.

Now, we’ve known for a while that WotC, presumably by way of Hasbro, is shifting focus to make D&D’s multiverse more IP-friendly. Back during the D&D Direct Event, one of the big announcements was the multiverse-hopping adventure coming in 2024 in which Vecna features heavily. And other modules with “iconic villains” that have interconnected metaplotlines that build on one another, like RPGs that weren’t D&D did in the early aughts.

Planescape Takes Center Stage

Infinite realms of immortals and impossibilities, the Outer Planes brim with celestials, fiends, gods, and the dead—and they’re all just a step away. Enter a portal to Sigil, the City of Doors—an incredible metropolis where portals connect to every corner of the multiverse. From there, venture to the Outlands, the hub of the Outer Planes, and discover wonders beyond imagination. The possibilities – just like the realms – are endless.

In the video above, Crawford talks about what makes Planescape great and helps clarify what WotC means by making D&D more about its multiverse. According to Crawford, whose favorite setting, unequivocally, is Planescape, the new books will help do some “critical setup” for the 2024 core rulebooks. Because those books are “going to have the D&D multiverse even more front and center than the 2014 books.”

That is to say, art and monsters and NPCs included all over the place, are going to be pulled from across D&D. It won’t just be what you can find in the Sword Coast. But rather, as Crawford puts it, you’ll get to look at the “backstage of the cosmos” and see creatures that can pop up anywhere, even in your home game. Which is what most folks were going to do already.

At any rate, it looks like bigger, more cosmic things are coming to D&D in 2024!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
  • 'D&D: Planescape' Character Options - Feats of the Multiverse