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D&D: Something’s Missing From Planescape – Legendary Actions

2 Minute Read
Oct 16 2023

Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse features more than 50 new monsters. But even the mightiest of them don’t have Legendary Actions.

The two most recent D&D books, Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse and Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants seem to have left behind a 5th Edition feature. Or at least seen it changed. In a nutshell, Legendary Actions, the actions that certain, legendary monsters (like Dragons or Liches) could take at the end of a player turn, seem to be phased out.

Sort of.

This feels like a change we’ll see more of in the 2024 Edition of the Monster Manual. The 2024 Edition core books will bring fundamental changes to D&D, and it looks like one of them will be shifting Legendary Actions into something slightly different.

Reactionary Takes

And we can see this in some of the legendary stat blocks included in both Bigby’s and Planescape. For instance, take a look at the Time Dragon, from our earlier coverage. Where other Dragons, like the Ancient Red Dragon have Legendary Actions including tail attack, wing attack (which takes 2 of the 3 actions) and “detect, the Time Dragon can simply take three Reactions per round.

Though it’s limited to one per turn, the Time Dragon has different reactions with different triggers. Which are, theoretically easier to use, because they have more specific prompts. If no target is weakened by the dragon’s Time Breath, you wouldn’t make the Slow Time reaction. But the DM does have to make an interesting choice, because it’s either making a rend attack or teleporting away and taking half damage.

And in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants none of the creatures, even the epic Scions of the giant gods, had powerful Bonus Actions, but no Legendary Actions.


This move follows the appearance of a revamped Vecna.

Who, like the Time Dragon has no specific Legendary Action, but can instead take up to three reactions per round. Either dealing damage to an attacker, or countering a spell (and dealing damage).

So, it looks like Legendary Actions are out, but extra Reactions are in. And just in time for Shocking Grasp to no longer shut down every Reaction. Though I suppose that does mean that right now, if you Shocking Grasp Vecna the Archlich, he can’t counterspell you. Which is hilarious.

What do you think of the change to Legendary Actions?


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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