D&D: Unboxing $200 of WizKids’ ‘Glory of the Giants’ Minis

I got a booster brick of the new Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants minis by WizKids. Let’s take a look at what you can get!
You can buy these bricks of 8 booster boxes from WizKids and retailers as well. They also come in single boosters, which you should also be able to find at retailers individually for about $25 each.
Thanks to WizKids for the opportunity to check the latest Icons of the Realm minis out.
A Closer Look at the Minis
When I opened these boxes, I was blown back by the quality of the paint jobs on these miniatures. I was not expecting that from blind-buy miniatures. Don’t just take my word for this quality, though; check out the quality of this Death Giant!

Absolutely stunning!!!

I was really hoping for this miniature above, and it looks incredible! Let’s look at another one of those giants.

That one is really cool!

I could tell that someone took a lot of care to paint these giants well. The smaller miniatures in the sets also look good. Check out this figure.

For a miniature ready to go right out of the box, they are pretty good.
Breaking Down Each Blind Box
Having shown you the quality of the miniatures, let me show you what came in each box.

As you can see, these miniatures come in groups of four with three small or medium miniatures and one huge one. I did get a couple of duplicates, but that happens.

That’s a nice collection of miniatures.
Scale Comparison
I plan to use these miniatures in games like Frostgrave by Osprey Games, where you can use any miniatures that you want. If you have a similar mindset, you might want to see how these giants compare to an Age of Sigmar miniature.

The unpainted miniatures in the photo above are from the left: a Wargames Atlantic Conquistador miniature and a WizKids unpainted D&D miniature on the right. I am sure you can pick out the Age of Sigmar miniature on your own.

The Wargames Atlantic and Age of Sigmar miniatures make an appearance again in the image above. That Giant Necromancer in the middle is an incredible premium miniature related to the Glory of the Giants miniatures set. I have a quick review video of it below.
Wrapping it up…
Unboxing these WizKids Dungeons and Dragons Booster packs of miniatures was an absolute thrill. There is something exciting about opening a box when you are not 100% sure what you are going to get.
I enjoy collecting miniatures of all sorts, and I was very impressed with how well these figures were painted. Especially the Giants. If you want to get these yourself, look for the Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants Booster Packs for Dungeons and Dragons by WizKids.

These duplicates went to a friend of mine who plans to use them as proxy troll miniatures for his Orc and Goblin armies for a variety of games. The other duplicates will remain in my collection as I like their look.
Read more about great Indie and Historical games on my site!
Must Contain Minis is my reviews, showcases, and battle reports website where I look at a wide variety of miniatures games and miniatures related products. This article originates there. I like to focus mainly on Indie and Historical Games. If you haven’t visited for a while, come on over and check the site out! You can also follow me on Social Media. I am very active on Facebook and have a YouTube channel too. I upload my best to Instagram and am also on Twitter. Thanks again for reading!!!