Everything For Your Adventures – Roll20’s Humble Bundle is One of the Best Virtual Deals For Extra Life
Roll20 has a massive Humble Bundle going on right now, that’s only going to get bigger and better. And it all supports Extra Life.
If you’ve played RPGs at all in the last three years, odds are real good you’ve got a Roll20 account somewhere either collecting dust or extremely active and keeping you sane and playing throughout these trying times. And if that’s the case, you probably want to check out the incredible Roll20 Humble Bundle right now.
In the Everything For Your Adventures Roll20 Humble Bundle, you’ll get so much, for one easy price that benefits Extra Life’s mission to help children’s hospitals. Pathfinder 2E, Dune, Tales from the Loop, Fallout—the list goes on. And in fact, it’s not even finished yet. Because this massive bundle gets even more added in come November 2nd! Let’s take a look.
Everything For Your Adventures – Roll20 Humble Bundle
Embark on pen-and-paper adventures online in Roll20.
Gather up your role-playing group (wherever they are!) for some epic online adventures with this treasury of resources for Roll20! This bundle for the world’s most popular virtual RPG tabletop features:
- Compendiums to play Pathfinder 2E, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, and more containing rules, art, lore, adventures, and more resources for use in Roll20.
- Additional Roll20 expansions and resources like Deep Magic, filled with new spells adaptable for multiple systems; maps and tokens; and more.
- 1-month Roll20 Plus subscription, unlocking additional features such as more upload storage, upgraded Compendium sharing, and an all-access character vault.
Get everything you need to adventure online in Roll20, and help support Extra Life with your purchase! More content coming soon on November 2nd!
You hopefully know the drill by now. Each of these Humble Bundles comes in a few different tiers. And this one is no exception. And while there are $5 and $10 tiers, the biggest draw is the $30 tier, which gets you in on the mystery content (coming November) right now. Alongside whatever else Roll20 adds, you’ll get access to the Roll20 versions of 15 different titles (a $357 value):
- Dune: Adventures in the Imperium
- Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box
- Deep Magic – Kobold Press
- Starfinder Alien Archive
- Tales from the Loop
- Fallout the RPG
- Fate Starter Bundle
- Starfinder Junker’s Delight
- Fablemaker’s Animated Tarot Deck and Token
- Troubles in Otari
- Cyberpunk Map Bundle
- 5E Spell Templates/Assets
- Side Quest Ruins Maps
- Mystery Content (Nov. 2nd)
- A month of Roll20 Plus
The Roll20 Humble Bundle is available through November 9th.
See you in Roll20!