Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ Cities of Sigmar Weekend

Warhammer’s Mortal Realms are upon us with a giant new Cities of Sigmar wave of products. Take a look at these prices.
It’s a return to the Age of Sigmar with a new set of products for the Cities of Sigmar, and the Dawnbringer campaign continues. Here are the latest releases.
All these items are going for pre-order on October 28. Street date is November 11.
Battletome: Cities of Sigmar $55
“The Cities of Sigmar are embattled metropolises founded by free mortals across every one of the realms. These disparate alliances of humans, duardin, aelves, and even ogors battle not only to survive, but to muster grand expeditions and establish new strongholds in Sigmar’s name. They fight with blade and bolt, wonders of military technology, and blistering storms of magic. Above all, the Cities of Sigmar win their wars through sheer indomitable spirit. Whether defending their hard-won fortress-cities or marching into the wilderness as a Dawnbringer Crusade, they spend their lives to relight the dying embers of civilisation.
This vital tome is loaded to the rafters with lore, epic artwork showing the scale of these magnificent cities, and all the rules you’ll need to use the Cities of Sigmar in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll learn all about the massive Dawnbringer Crusades, the cultures of some of the most important settlements, and the histories of the people who live there.
This 160-page hardback book contains:
– In-depth background on the Cities of Sigmar, including their varied histories and the advent of the Dawnbringer Crusades
– Incredible artwork that showcases the gritty reality of life in these beleaguered cities, as well as the sheer scale of the crusading forces
– 50 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the Cities of Sigmar, from humble Freeguild Steelhelms to the heroic Tahlia Vedra
– Rules for 11 different Free Cities, including command traits, artefacts, spells for two lores of magic, and duardin prayer scriptures
– Path to Glory campaign rules focused on launching your own Dawnbringer Crusade, plus additional rules for narrative play
– Matched play rules, including four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion unique to the Cities of Sigmar
– A stunning photography showcase, including painting guides to capture the heraldry of the various citiesThis pack also includes a token board, containing 41 tokens to use during your games.”
Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch $150
“First Marshal Tahlia Vedra, named the Lioness of the Parch by her loyal soldiers, is the foremost tactical mind of Hammerhal Aqsha, and an inspiration to Dawnbringer Crusades across the Mortal Realms. Once a skilled mercenary warrior, Tahlia rose up the ranks of the Freeguild through quick thinking, passion, and bloody victories – she now leads Twin-tailed City’s quest to reclaim Aqshy’s hearthlands from the grip of Chaos.
This multipart plastic kit builds Tahlia Vedra, the Lioness of the Parch, mounted atop her roaring manticore Infernadine – a leonine beast with a scorpion’s tail and powerful wings. Tahlia herself can be assembled wearing a full-face helmet or her crown of office, and carries one of four distinct weapons, taken as trophies from slain traitors – the sword Parchtongue, the mace known as Warmaker, the axe called Justice, or the Hammer of Zeal. The mummified heads of their former owners are set into her throne, in brutal Aqshian tradition.
The First Marshal is a true force to be reckoned with – she’s an impressive centrepiece for any collection, and will stand out as a mighty warmaster in even the largest Cities of Sigmar army.
This kit comprises 59 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 100mm Round Base.”
Pontifex Zenestra Matriarch of the Great Wheel $70
“Pontifex Zenestra is the revered leader of the Cult of the Wheel – one of the more influential Sigmarite faiths found throughout the Free Cities. As the Matriarch gives her inspiring battlefield sermons, the raw celestial power of the God-King crackles out from her sacred palanquin to incinerate blasphemers, whilst devoted acolytes bludgeon and hew any foolish enough to approach her without permission. The Great Wheel turns, and the driving force is faith.
This multipart plastic kit builds Pontifex Zenestra, the holy Matriarch of the Great Wheel. This mysterious but inspiring figure exudes the zealous fervour of Sigmar’s faithful, sat atop an ornate palanquin decorated with gargoyles, censers, and symbols of the Heldenhammer and the Great Wheel. Zenestra herself carries only an hourglass to measure each turning of the Great Wheel, with a holy sceptre resting across her robed lap – her true weapon is faith.
Two devoted acolytes carry this blessed platform into battle, imbued with seemingly divine strength. They have four different heads to choose from – two bare, two with a hood or skullcap – allowing you to personalise your holy procession to suit your army’s aesthetic.
This kit comprises 35 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 90×52.5mm Oval Base.”
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Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal $60
“Freeguild Cavalier-Marshals command their Free City’s forces from horseback, and are nigh-unstoppable on the charge. They galloping hard into the enemy, seeking the perfect moment to collapse their battleline in a single decisive attack. Though they often carry the weight of a Dawnbringer Crusade upon their shoulders, these Marshals are inspiring champions who are well used to leading by example.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, a knightly leader mounted on a sturdy warhorse. The Cavalier-Marshal cuts a dramatic figure in finely detailed plate armour, wielding a master-forged longsword with cape and pennant billowing in the wind. Their powerful warhorse is similarly armoured, and carries packs of supplies and spare weapons for a long campaign – including a holstered dragoon pistol.
AdvertisementThe Cavalier-Marshal comes with a choice of two heads – one helmeted, one left bare – and can also carry a shield attached to their other arm.
This kit comprises 27 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 75x42mm Oval Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Freeguild Marshal & Relic Envoy $45
“Freeguild Marshals are experts in the art of war, veteran commanders entrusted with the defence of their Free City. Those who lead from the front are perhaps the most heroic of all, and when battlelines clash, their skill with sword, hammer, and pistol swiftly becomes clear. The respect they have won from their soldiers is stronger than any shield, and their Relic Envoys ensure that orders always get where they are needed.
This multipart plastic kit builds one Freeguild Marshal accompanied by a Relic Envoy. This wonderfully versatile kit offers a number of options for arming the Marshal, including a pair of duelling pistols, a longsword held in either hand, and a mighty warhammer. You’ll also find arms for carrying a shield or helmet, several sheathed weapons to attach to the belt, and three different choices of head.
The Relic Envoy acts as the Marshal’s battlefield aide, ferrying their orders to and fro while carrying aloft a sacred and grisly heirloom.
This kit comprises 24 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 32mm Round Base and a Citadel 28mm Round Base.”
Freeguild Command Corps $55
“Freeguild Command Corps are groups of experts, champions, and other aides-de-camp, called upon by their Freeguild Marshal to offer battlefield advice and assistance. These specialist soldiers range from towering Arch-Knight champions to priestly Soul Shepherds, from vital War Surgeons to sinister Whisperblades. Whether acting as a retinue or operating independently, together they are a force far greater than the sum of its parts.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Freeguild Command Corps, consisting of:
– 1x Arch-Knight: A fearsome warrior armed with a Sigmarite great weapon – either a hammer or an axe. He also offers a choice of different heads and poses, and either a furred pelt or a scaled cape.
– 1x Whisperblade: An enigmatic agent of espionage, with an enchanted rapier visible beneath their long coat. They come with two different head options – one masked, one with a high collar.
– 1x Great Herald: An experienced soldier, carrying an awe-inspiring banner with a warhorn for sounding the advance. They offer a choice of different heads, helmet tops, spare weapons, and arm poses.
– 1x War Surgeon: A grim field medic, with a rack of vicious surgical tools and elixirs. They come with two different head options – a beaked mask or a bare head.
– 1x Soul Shepherd: A priestly psychopomp whose chants safeguard the souls of the dying, accompanied by a skeletal piper known as a Corpus Somni. Both figures offer a choice of different heads.
– 1x Mascot Gargoylian: A magical companion creature with a powerful bite. The kit also includes a pair of smaller gargoylians to decorate any of the Command Corps’ bases.This kit comprises 68 plastic components, and comes with 5x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases, a Citadel 25mm Round Base, and a Citadel 40mm Round Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Alchemite Warforger $35
“Alchemite Warforgers are specialist wizards who wield the raw energies of Chamon. As muscular and sweaty as any mundane blacksmith, these mages pluck glowing runecubes from their crucibles, channelling metallurgic magic to destroy their foes. Their arcane alchemy can change the properties of not only metal, but reality itself.
AdvertisementThis multipart plastic kit builds one Alchemite Warforger, a metalworking mage of the Free Cities. The Warforger carries a tongstaff – an arcane hybrid of a wizard’s staff and blacksmith’s tongs – and a runic crucible smouldering with the alchemical magics of Chamon. Their tough forger’s apron is marked with magical sigils and runes, whilst their fine metal mask is emblazoned with twin-tailed comets, for the glory of Sigmar.
Red-hot runecubes are gripped in the jaws of the tongstaff and held within the rune-marked crucible, ready to be employed whenever the wielder wishes to reforge the laws of nature in accordance with their will.
This kit comprises 13 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.”
Fusil-Major atop Oruk Warhulk $55
“Fusil-Majors borne into battle by Ogor Warhulks forming the mobile watchtowers of a Castelite formation, using their lumbering vantage points to spy weaknesses in the enemy line and direct the fire of friendly forces. The obvious threat posed by a massive ogor carrier is usually enough to make any foe think twice about storming a Fusil-Major’s fortified position.
This multipart plastic kit builds one Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk – an expert gunnery officer, carried aloft by a brutish companion. The Fusil-Major watches the battlefield from atop their crow’s nest, which bristles with gargoyles, blessings, and a lantern, picking off foes at range with a long-barrelled fusil musket. Their Ogor Warhulk lays into enemies with a heavy mace, striding to new firing positions before using a massive shield to barricade foes.
This kit includes a choice of two heads for the Fusil-Major, as well as two poses – aiming a shot, or leaning on their long fusil while bellowing orders to those below. The Ogor Warhulk also comes with a choice of heads – one with a helmet, the other left bare – and scenic basing elements, and can be built in two poses, with mace and shield held in either hand.
This kit comprises 42 plastic components, and is supplied with one Citadel 50mm Round Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Freeguild Cavaliers $65
“The battlefield shakes under the heavy hooves of the Freeguild Cavaliers as they make their charge. No idle jousters these – theirs is a war of grinding, brutal attrition where man and steed alike are expected to fight for hours at a time without rest.
This multipart plastic kit builds five Freeguild Cavaliers, armoured human knights mounted on sturdy warhorses. Each Cavalier is protected by full plate armour and an ornate shield, swinging a variety of finely-wrought weapons to smash foes aside as they charge. You can build one Cavalier as a mounted Arch-Knight wielding a unique blade, and another as a Cavalier Herald whose flowing banner is topped by one of two different icons.
Almost every part of this wildly customisable kit is interchangeable, allowing you to combine different heads, helmets, weapons, shields, bodies, horse legs, tails, and more. You can even adjust the visors on helmeted heads, tilting them up to reveal the face underneath – the assembly options are nearly endless, ensuring you can build your own personal order of knights.
This kit comprises 96 plastic components, and is supplied with 5x Citadel 60x35mm Oval Bases. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Freeguild Fusiliers $60
“Freeguild Fusiliers are disciplined gunners, trained to plant their heavy pavise shields in the ground and form a defensive line that is effectively a fortress battlement brought to the field. From this position, ranked Fusiliers can unleash continuous volleys of fire, their sturdy fusil-cannons belching hot death and drifting clouds of blackpowder smoke.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Freeguild Fusiliers, accompanied by a Blackpowder Squire. Each Fusilier carries a huge pavise shield, on which they mount a fusil-cannon tipped with a bayonet. You can build one model as a Fusil-Sergeant, armed with either a brace of pistols or a triple-barrelled slaughter-fusil, and another model as a Fusilier Herald, who a carries a standard and torch with a choice of icons and flames. The accompanying Blackpowder Squire runs up and down the firing line, supplying shot and powder wherever it’s needed.
The kit includes plenty of different poses, heads, and shield designs, all of which are interchangeable between models, plus two curious gargoylian creatures – you’ll be able to keep your Freeguild forces distinct and varied, no matter how many Fusiliers you recruit.
This kit comprises 115 plastic components, and is supplied with 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases and 1x Citadel 25mm Round Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Freeguild Steelhelms $55
“Freeguild Steelhelms are the rank and file defenders of the Cities of Sigmar, and the determined heart of the Dawnbringer Crusades – ordinary men and women, tasked with battling all manner of nightmares. These weatherbeaten soldiers may be individually outmatched by the myriad threats arrayed against their mission to retake the realms, but they have three things on their side: discipline, determination, and their faith in Sigmar.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Freeguild Steelhelms, the soldiers of the line for the Free Cities. Each Steelhelm is armed with a sturdy shield and a one-handed weapon such as a sword, axe, or mace. You can build one model as a veteran Sergeant-at-Arms with a hammer and crested helm, one as an inspiring Battle Priest carrying a holy relic, and another as a Steelhelm Herald with a trumpet and a flowing, icon-topped banner.
The kit includes a myriad of different heads, weapons, shield arms, and shield designs, all of which are interchangeable between models, plus a choice of heads, relics, and icons for the regiment leaders. You’ll be able to build varied and characterful Freeguild forces, no matter how many Steelhelms you muster.
This kit comprises 96 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Ironweld Greatcannon $55
“Ironweld Great Cannons are massive artillery pieces, which act as the roaring bastions of a Castelite formation. Protected by thick oaken gun-shields affixed to the cannon’s fore, the crew tirelessly load, fire, and reload their weapon to ensure a relentless barrage of firepower upon the enemy.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Ironweld Great Cannon – a powerful war machine fielded by the Cities of Sigmar. This huge gun is mounted in a sturdy, wheeled wooden frame with a winch arm, locked in place by chains, ropes, and hammered posts. The Great Cannon is crewed by a pair of artillerists from the Ironweld Arsenal, who both offer different assembly options for their pose, heads and arms, ensuring you can build a varied battery of big guns.
You’ll also find plenty of optional basing elements to customise your Great Cannon, including a spare taper, a discarded hammer, stacked ammunition, and loose rounds representing three specialist payloads – cannonball, grapeshot and an armour-piercing shell.
This kit comprises 61 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 90mm Round Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry.”
Dawnbringers Book III: The Long Hunt $50
“The Twin-Tailed Crusade continues to wind its way across the realms, but there are many who wish to see it fall.
As the Aqshian expedition flees the ruins of Trucebreak, its soldiers find themselves hemmed in on all sides. The Goretide, legendary warriors of Khorne, have returned to the Great Parch – straight into the Dawnbringers’ only path of escape. Meanwhile, in the forests of Ghyran, ogors are on the rampage, and the ground splits open into horrifying pits that seek to set themselves on Marshal Thorian’s soldiers. Worst of all, this may only be the beginning of their woes – a furious tattoo echoes from the west, and an even greater threat may be afoot.
The Long Hunt is the third chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic series of books driving forward the narrative of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll find loads of riveting background material detailing the further expeditions and lethal challenges facing the Twin-Tailed Crusade and its mortal champions, as well as rules and background for new heroes and allies, including Neave Blacktalon and her warband, Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, and Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls. The book also includes a Path to Glory Battlepack, warscrolls for Gorger Mawpacks and Mawpit faction terrain pieces, and rules for using four armies of renown in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Inside this 96-page hardback book you’ll find:
– An exciting narrative that details the perilous journey of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, along with battleplans that allow you to play out key moments in the story on the tabletop
– Rules for Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls, Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, and the Blacktalons
– Warscrolls for using Gorger Mawpacks and Mawpit faction terrain pieces with Ogor Mawtribes armies, and for using Vulkyn Flameseekers with Fyreslayers armies
– A Path to Glory battlepack in which you command either the Aqshian or the Ghyranite half of the Twin-Tailed Crusade
– Rules for four different armies of renown: Draconith Skywing, the Evergreen Hunt, Lofnir Drothkeepers and the Roving Maw”
The Blacktalons $75
“From scions of the Dark Gods to marauding orruk warlords, threats to Sigmar’s people lurk in every corner of the realms. Neave Blacktalon, the God-King’s foremost assassin, is tasked with puting down these fell champions. In battle, Neave travels upon winds of magic to unleash storms of never-ending axe blows. Fighting alongside her are the Blacktalons, a band of tightly knit companions, each a warrior of deadly renown.
This multipart plastic kit builds the Blacktalons, Sigmar’s premier hunters, consisting of Neave Blacktalon, Hendrick, the Silver Wolf, Rostus Oxenhammer, Shakana Goldenblade, and the Idoneth Deepkin Soulscryer Lorai. Together, they make a unit capable of taking down even the mightiest foe. Each of the Stormcast Eternals includes two head options – one bare and the other either helmeted or cloaked, allowing you to personalise your unit.
This set includes the following:
– 1x Neave Blacktalon
– 1x Hendrick, the Silver Wolf
– 1x Rostus Oxenhammer
– 1x Shakana Goldenblade
– 1x Lorai, Child of the AbyssThis kit comprises 45 plastic components, including scenic bases.”
Cryptborn’s Stormwing $170
“Ionus Cryptborn is a living legend who descends like a silent shadow over the most beleaguered battlefields on the back of his terrifying Draconith, Cthorak. Accompanying him into battle are his Stormwing – a pair of mighty Stormdrake Guard who ride their own impressive Draconith mounts. When a host of mighty Draconith, such as these, take flight, they unleash the most righteous fury of Sigmar.
This multipart plastic kit builds one Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls, and two Stormdrake Guard, each able to equip either a drakerider’s lance or warblade. Together, they provide a fast-moving and hard-hitting element to your army, capable of taking down the God-King’s mightiest foes.
Rules for fielding Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Soul, in your Stormcast Eternals armies – and the Cryptborn’s Stormwing army of renown itself – can be found in Dawnbringers Book III – The Long Hunt, which is available separately.
This set includes the following:
– 1x Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls
– 2x Stormdrake Guard (which can alternatively be built as 1x Stormdrake Guard and 1x Knight-Draconis)”
The Blades of Belthanos $160
“Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth, leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in evergreen and riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite made of pure life magic, he chases down those who would harm Ghyran so that his howling Revenant Seeker and Kurnoth Hunter followers might rip them apart.
This multipart plastic kit builds Belthanos, riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite, as well as a unit of three Revenant Seekers and three Kurnoth Hunters to accompany him into battle. This aggressive formation is ideal for taking the fight to the enemies of the wild places of the Mortal Realms.
Rules for fielding Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth, in your Sylvaneth armies – and the Evergreen Hunt army of renown itself – can be found in Dawnbringers Book III – The Long Hunt, which is available separately.
This set includes the following:
– 1x Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnos
– 3x Revenant Seekers (which can alternatively be built as Spiterider Lancers)
– 3x Kurnoth Hunters”
Grimhold Exile $35
“Wielding paired fyre-rune hammers, Grimhold Exiles are the survivors of fallen magmaholds, warriors who fight to honour their lost kin with each blazing strike.
This multipart plastic kit builds a Grimhold Exile, a potent hero for your Fyreslayer army. He’s an ideal front-line support unit, eager to get stuck in with his flaming hammers as he brings honour to Grimnir.
This kit comprises 10 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.”
Harbinger of Decay $60
“Harbingers of Decay trot into battle atop vile steeds more dead than alive. These champions draw the gaze of Nurgle himself, and where they ride, the Plague God’s sinister will is soon made manifest.
This multipart plastic kit builds one sinister and pestilent Harbinger of Decay, a heavily armoured Priest for your Maggotkin of Nurgle army, mounted on a boil-infected daemonic steed. Armed with a grim rotsword, and either a plague scythe or doom bell, they are well-equipped to mix it up in the front lines. You’ll also find three distinct head options so you can customise it to match your army’s aesthetic.
This kit comprises 31 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 90×52.5mm Oval Base. “
For Sigmar!