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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘It’s Birds’

2 Minute Read
Oct 3 2023

The Rumor Engine is here and the team is just a little busy to make this week super complicated.

Welcome to another Tuesday which means it’s time for a new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. This week is certainly an outlier in that the Rumor Engine team has confirmed what we’re all looking at. We’ve got birds.


via Warhammer Community

Ok, real talk. Normally we’d write something weird and unhinged for a Rumour Engine post, but with a massive 40 Years of Warhammer celebration coming up this month, we’re positively gassed. You’re going to have to make do with regular sensible posts for a month, sorry.

So anyway, yeah, here’s the Rumour Engine.

It’s birds.

For The Birds

I’m no expert in bird law but I’m pretty sure we’ve got a pair of them on a rock. While it’s pretty clear what we’re looking at this isn’t exactly confirming much else. Could these birds be from AoS or 40k? Yes. What factions could have random birds on their bases? Most of them. It’s probably easier to list the factions that wouldn’t have birds: Tyranids, Necrons, Orks (they’d be squigs), Nurgle-based factions (they’d be Nurglings), Ossiarch Bonereapers, Fyreslayers, Idoneth Deepkin (they’d have fish) and maybe Sylvaneth (they’d be sprites). You could probably make the case for just about everyone else.


Katakros likes birds…but only ones that are of the bone variety.

Whatever this image is from is going to be a good one though. I’m looking forward to the big reveals coming later this month as we might get to see some of the Rumor Engines finally get solved.

In the meantime, what do you think these pair of birds will be from? There’s lots of things to guess but let us know why you think it’s them!


If this one turns out to be the return of Corvus Corax to modern 40k I’m done.

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Space Marines, MtG LotR, Horus Heresy, More- Weekend Rewind