Horus Heresy: Legiones Astartes Battle Group Pricing Breakdown

The Legiones Astartes Battle Group is coming to pre-order but what sort of a deal are we getting with the boxed set?
We already talked about why the Legiones Astartes Battle Group is such a good addition for the Horus Heresy. Now we’re going to tackle if it’s a good value or not. Here’s a hint: the savings look promising.
Legiones Astartes Battle Group Pricing Breakdown
30 x MKIII power armoured Space Marines = $120 (based on the current HH Tact squads ($80 for 20) plus another half squad)
Deredeo Dreadnought = $80
Land Raider Proteus = $90
Special Weapons Upgrade Set* = $23.50
Total Individual MSRP = $313.50
Total Estimated Savings = $313.50 – $210 = $103.50
*We can’t tell if the Special weapon upgrade is just a single sprue or a full boxed set. If it’s the full price then it’s actually a $47 value which only makes this an even better deal.
This big selling point for me is that this box set features a bunch of miniatures that weren’t included in the starter box. When you combine both of these sets you end up with a wide array of Horus Heresy era Space Marine options and there is virtually no overlap in models (other than your basic Tactical Marines). If you’re looking for a good entry point into the Horus Heresy or if you’re just wanting to expand your existing collection you’re getting a heck of a deal with this box.
As mentioned previously, if I was adding this to the starter set I would simply build all the marines in this Legiones Astartes Battle Group as special weapon units and then mix them in with my previous army. That extra firepower would be welcomed plus the different marks of power armour are a good unit delineartor, too.
Whatever legion you’re playing as, loyalist or traitor, can use all the models in the Legiones Astartes Battle Group box. This one’s got the goods and the price is looking like a really good deal!
Time for some Horus Heresy reinforcements!