Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis – The ‘Legion Fast Attack’ Box Has Your Flanks Covered

Legions Imperialis has speedy support with a Legion Fast Attack box. Call in the Bikes, Jet Bikes, and Speeders to the epic scale tabletop!
I hope you’re ready for some tiny but mighty Fast Attack options. Legions Imperialis is getting more support units that are designed to shore up your flank — or pressure your opponents!
Every Legion has a range of nippy units, and the Legion Fast Attack box is packed full of the bikes, jet bikes and speeders you need to leave opponents eating your dust.
This box features a collection of very fast things that hover and fast things that roll on wheels, because even in the far future of Warhammer, the greatest minds of the Imperium cannot reinvent the wheel.
Legion Fast Attack Box
The first part of the units above are Javelin and Proteus Speeders. In the box you’ll be able to build four of each of the units. These speeders are designed to scoot around the board and threaten the flanks of tanks or to pick-off any unfortunate Infantry Squads caught in a bad position.
The next batch of minis are Scimitar Jet Bikes and and Outrider bikes. You’ll get six bases worth of Scimitars (that’s two Jet Bikes per base) and also four bases of the Outriders (with three per base). These fast moving units are also great for hit-and-run tactics and might just snag you some objectives with all that speed.
Putting all of these units to good use on the battlefield is going to be a lot of fun. With the epic scale really expanding the size of the game, having these fast units to zoom around will open up lots of threats and options on the tabletop. Backfield objectives you thought were secure can now be threatened. And since getting in the side/rear arc of vehicles is going to be key to punching through their armor, those flank shots are going to be clutch!
“In total the Legiones Astartes Fast Attack box contains 32 epic-scale plastic miniatures, each of them the perfect size for pushing around the table while making engine sounds.”
I’m looking forward to getting my hands on these tiny Fast Attack options! Now, if only Legions Imperialis was available…
It’s clear there’s lots of Legions Imperialis Kits on the deck…hopefully the game launches soon!