Horus Heresy: The Care and Feeding of Your Legion Vindicator Tank

The plastic Legion Vindicator is blasting it’s way across hobby tables and the battlefield. Here’s how to make the most of it.
This article provides an in-depth look at the features, build process, loadout options, gameplay tactics, and army composition of the Legion Vindicator for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy setting.
Built on the lightly armored Rhino chassis but wielding either the formidable Centermounted Demolisher Cannon or for an additional 20pts the fearsome Magna Laser Destroyer, the Legion Vindicator tank was put into commission throughout the Horus Heresy as a capable anti-armor and mobile siege artillery for the Legio Astartes. It was a favored tool of tank companies that needed additional firepower to breach fortified walls and bunkers.
The Legion Vindicator Kit
On the hobby side of things, it is very similar to the standard Rhino or Predator. It is plastic glue-friendly and captures all of the elements of the original resin version. While it doesn’t have the functional advantage of being used to prop up the sagging end of a couch or as block to put your car on, it does go together without any of the heating, epoxy, pinning or usual construction methods needed for resin. Along with the instructions and sprues, you get a niffy sheet of Imperial Fists or Sons of Horus decal sheet found in all Horus Heresy plastic vehicle releases. The build process is similar to other plastic Rhino chassis variants with some slight variations.
There are notable differences between the Magma Laser Cannon and Demolisher Cannon versions, such as unique top plates and front blast shields. It is possible to magnetize these components to interchange the weapons. Proper removal of nubs left from sprue removal is crucial to ensure a seamless assembly. An intermediate builder should have no trouble with this kit as it is very similar to the other tank entries released for Horus Heresy in 2022 and 2023. I’m a fairly experienced builder and this took about 1 hour.
The Vindicator Loadout
There’s not much here to really discuss as far as loadouts. You really only have 2 options beyond the pintel mounted weapons you’ve come to expect from the Space Marine HH range. The Demolish Cannon and the Magna Laser Destroyer are both excellent but are purpose-built. You definitely want to be selective where you put their fire.
The Demolisher Cannon is an okay choice for knocking down infantry, however be wary of using it on anything with the “Heavy” keyword, i.e. Terminators, as they will get re-rolls on wounds sustained by Blast weapons. The Demolisher is well paired with a Multi-Melta as they are both effectively the same range, 24″. You should be looking to use this on dug in dev squads, vet squads and anything in standard power armor where you can take advantage of the AP 3. It may be worthwhile to attempt to remove an artificer encased sergeant or apothecary with snipers prior to engaging a blob of space marines with the demolished
With Demolisher Cannon – Str 12, AP3, Ordinance 1, Blast (3″)m Sunder, Rending (6), Brutal (3), I’d probably pair this with the Multi Melta as they the same range.
With Magna Laser Destroyer, Str 9, AP1 , Ordinance 3 twin linked w/ Exo-Shot I’d probably still go with the Multi Melta…maybe the Heavy Bolter. The trouble with the heavy bolter is that if you’re firing at something that requires str9 shooting that heavy bolter though in range isn’t likely to do much to your target. However, if you’re more focused on using the Heavy bolter defensively for overwatch its an excellent option
Searchlights are probably needed on both loadouts. You want your tanks firing from Turn 1 until they are destroyed, or your opponent is waving soiled white flags
How it Plays
Real talk, you’re taking this thing because you want that high-strength, low-ap main weapon. As far as lethality, it doesn’t get much better than the Magna Laser Cannon. Those squads of your opponent’s Terminators lumbering toward your lines are going to disappear fairly quickly. WA quick note of warning, they are not the AV14 box that a Landraider is and they are highly vulnerable in Close Combat. Proper screening and protection from melee units are crucial for their survival. Position the Vindicator strategically with a clear line of sight for optimal effectiveness. Utilize its high-damage ordinance weapon every turn, prioritizing heavy infantry, tanks, and fortified squads. Be mindful of outflanking units or drop pod assaults and adjust positioning accordingly. If your Vindicator Squadron gets swamped in power armor bodies, AV10 rear armor might as well be toilet paper because even a tac squad marine is going to glance them on a 6. Keep these rolling bricks well away from your frontline and be leery of outflanking units or highly mobile units that can quickly outmaneuver your ground forces and get into melee.
Army Composition
The Vindicator is a valuable addition to armies utilizing the Armored Spearhead formation or those in need of additional heavy firepower while fielding Lords of War. Legions such as Death Guard, Iron Hands, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, and Ultramarines can benefit from the Vindicator’s capabilities. However, any legion can find utility in this versatile tank. Priced at 120 points base and 105 points for subsequent chassis, it offers excellent points efficiency. Consider fielding multiple Vindicators for increased impact on the battlefield. The price is right Bob.
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day the Legion Venator is a great points effective option for bringing big weapons. While more specialized and with significantly fewer options than a Predator it is a specialist tank worth considering if you’re struggling against other tanks, elite infantry or dug in squads. I’d definitely consider taking two if I were going to play them. They are amazing for their cost of 120pts and 105 for each after upgrades. I’m honestly torn on either loadout. Both are exceptionally good. For my armies, I struggle more with elite Terminators and Dreadnoughts so I’d probably lean toward the Magna Lazer Destroyer. 3 Str9 AP1 shots are incredibly hard to pass up on. There are plenty of ways to kill other base power armor units, but it takes something special to crack vehicles and elite infantry.
With all the announcements that came from GW the future is looking bright for Horus Heresy even with the looming juggernaut that will be Warhammer 40k 10th Edition.