Let’s Play D&D With the Zombie Shark With Legs From ‘Zom 100’

Your game may have zombies. And it may have sharks. But have you inflicted a zombie shark on your players? What about one on legs?!
If you like the zombie genre even a little bit, Zom 100 is one of the wildest and funniest new anime out there. And honestly, only a little more outlandish than your average zombie show or movie. Basically, the main protagonist Akira works for one of those round-the-clock corporate cog sort of companies- think the company from Aggretsuko times a thousand–and hates his life. That is until the zombie apocalypse comes and affords him a blessed day off. Finally, Akira has a chance to take a vacation. Sure, there are zombies, but is that really any worse than corporate life? It’s very weird, imaginative, and super fun.
But one of the wildest things to come across the screen in Zom 100 is easily the zombie shark on legs. Are your players never going to go near the ocean because it’s full of monsters? do you think your game could benefit from one of the most bonkers monsters I’ve seen on TV this month? It may be time to introduce your players to…
Zombie Shark
When it comes to D&D monsters, sometimes the stupider the creature, the more fun they are to make and inflict on your players. And this is one of those times! The zombie shark’s appearance is definitely a “why, though?” moment in the show. But it’s quickly followed by, “who cares, this is great.” Plus, if it’s good enough for Junji Ito, who am I to argue?
That one’s a different and less zombiefied shark with legs, but still.
For our Zom 100-inspired zombie shark, I combined all of the hallmarks of fifth edition’s zombies and regular sharks. It’s undead, it’s got blood frenzy, it’s a zombie shark. That said, I didn’t really bother with the bite-will-zombie-you aspect for a couple of reasons. It’s not really a part of the regular 5E zombie. But also, that felt like a bit too much. We’re already looking at a shark that runs around on land, can cover a TON of ground very quickly, and has fairly high AC and HP. It doesn’t also have to be making a zombie army of its own when it would much rather swallow your character whole.
Instead, the zombie shark has a regular bite and tail whip attack to dole out damage. And that bite attack is no slouch if you’re unlucky enough to be on the sharp side of a zombie shark.
This guy also has some legendary actions. In the show, this shark is fast. The sort of fast that neither zombies nor an ocean-creature-on-land should have. But it does anyhow. So I made sure that my zombie shark was also very, very fast. Dash lets it move around on your turn as well, closing a great deal of distance and getting right up to where your character is before they even know it. And Rush turns that same speed into its own attack by plowing into your character and knocking them prone. Likely in preparation to take a good chomp at the start of its next turn.
Have you seen Zom 100? What do you think of it so far? What book, show, comic, movie, or game should I make sheets from next time? Let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!