Pathfinder Shows Off the Cleric: Remastered – Mixing Divine Magic With Incremental Benefits

Want a look Pathfinder 2E’s new Cleric for the forthcoming remaster project? Well have we got good news for you…
Clerics are a classic part of any D&D party. The fact that we use Cleric at all comes from D&D’s earliest days, back when the game only had three classes: Fighting Man, Magic User, and Cleric. Before there was even a Thief, there was a divinely powered person helping to heal the party and provide succor and support.
Fast-forward a few decades and the role of the Cleric has expanded vastly. This is especially true in Pathfinder 2E, where Clerics have extreme flexibility in what they can do. Do you want to be an armored warrior empowered by the divine? You can! Want to cast spells and rain down holy power?
You got it, friend. There’s very little the Cleric can’t do. And the Cleric, Remastered for the Pathfinder 2E updates coming quite soon, keeps this versatility going.
The Cleric Remastered – A Pathfinder 2E Remaster Preview
Starting with some of the bigger changes, Remastered Clerics no longer have to worry about what their alignment is. The nine alignments are gone in the Pathfinder Remaster project. But a Cleric’s god will still define their role in the game and the world. As such, you’ll find edicts and anathemas to help guide you, per usual, but you’ll also find a new system that includes divine sanctification. Which represents your dedication to join the fight over the cosmos.
Without alignments, there can be no alignment damage, so there isn’t; instead, you’ll find Spirit Damage, which does much more broad damage to creatures. A Cleric who has been divinely sanctified may be able to use holy or unholy power to do extra work against demons, devils, or the like.
New feats expand a Cleric’s powers. Here’s a look at a couple, that showcase new ways of wielding your divine might for better or worse:
Raise Symbol [one-action] — Feat 4
Requirements You are wielding a religious symbol.
You present your religious symbol emphatically. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws until the start of your next turn. While it’s raised, if you roll a success at a saving throw against a vitality or void effect, you get a critical success instead.
If the religious symbol you’re raising is a shield, such as with Emblazon Armaments, you gain the effects of Raise a Shield when you use this action and the effects of this action when you Raise a Shield.
Raise Symbol lets you play into the divine power of protection. You can either use it as a magical ward, or you can use it to make you an especially effective armored divine warrior.
Sacred Ground — Feat 4
Cleric, Consecration, Divine, Exploration
Prerequisites harmful font or healing font
Frequency once per 10 minutes
You pray continuously for 1 minute to call a subtle shadow of your deity’s realm over a 30-foot burst centered on you. It lasts for 10 minutes, and a creature that remains in the area for the entire 10 minutes regains Hit Points equal to your level.
If you have a healing font, this activity has the healing and vitality traits and heals living creatures. If you have a harmful font, this activity has the healing and void traits and heals undead creatures (or other creatures with void healing). Clerics with Versatile Font can choose either or both. It can’t damage creatures in any case.
Look for more Pathfinder Remastered as we near the official release!