‘The Old World’: Exploring the Turn Sequence – Strategy Phase

GW is pulling back the covers on The Old World’s rules and we are starting with The Strategy Phase.
We’ve all been wating a long time for The Old World to show up. Almost 4 years in fact. GW is starting to delve into the turn sequence and exploring each one in turn. Let’s start off with the basic turn sequence, based partially on the heritage of old Warhammer Fantasy, with a lot of modern polish thrown in:
The Old World Basic Turn Sequence
All the basics are here:
- Strategy Phase
- Movement Phase
- Shooting Phase
- Combat Phase
The Strategy Phase
Headed into the initial Strategy Phase GW tell us this is broken into multiple sub-phases. These are:
- Start of Turn Sub-Phase
- Command Sub-Phase
- Conjuration Sub-Phase
- Rally Fleeing Troops Sub-Phase
Let’s take a more detailed look as each of these:
Start of Turn Sub-phase
In this sub-phase Units perform special actions and take tests as described in their unit rules. These are meant to be somewhat rare. GW gives the examples of Trolls taking Stupitidy tests, or placing Goblin Fanatics on the table. You also check for mission victory conditions, and generally tidy things up in the Start of Turn sub-phase
Command Sub-phase
Now things are heating up. In the Command sub-phase Characters use their special abilities, which can often include magic items. The example of the Falcon Horn of Fredemund is given, which will ground any pesky enemy flying models this turn.
Conjuration Sub-phase
It’s magic time. Note up above that there is no Magic Phase in the core turn sequence. Spells descibe what phase thye are used in in their individucal descriptions. But in the Conjuration sub-phase, magic-user take it in turns back-and-forth to cast Enchantments (buffs), and Hexes (nerfs), one theif fellows and opponents. The Tomb King’s Djaf’s Incantation of cursed Blades above is one example Enchantment.
Rally Fleeing Troops Sub-phase
In the final sub-phase, players roll 2d6 per fleeing unit. If the unit passed, they reform. If they fail, they keep running!
That’s it for the Strategy phase!
More The Old World in the day ahead. It’s headed your way early 2024!