This ‘Critical Role’ Keyleth Cosplayer is Becoming the Voice of the Tempest

This Keyleth cosplay from Critical Role captures all of the magic and goodness of the Moon Druid who inspired it.
With more than 1,000 hours worth of content, two animated seasons, comics, and nearly 15,000 unique subscribers, Critical Role is a fandom that proves that Dungeons and Dragons is very much part of ‘popular’ media now. It started as a smallish stream where voice-acters people play a weekly (very well-written and acted) D&D campaign for an audience. But has since become a huge universe all its own. And of course, Critical Role and its characters have attracted the attention of so, so many cosplayers.
Honestly, there’s a good chance that you’re already at least passingly familiar with The Legend of Vox Machina. Critical Role‘s first 460-hour-long season got so big that it spawned an animated show of its own. And after a very successful first and second seasons, we wouldn’t be surprised if we saw more D&D-inspired content in the future. The Vox Machina season is also what inspired Rerenga Cosplay’s Keyleth.
Keyleth is the party’s druid. At the beginning of the campaign, she’s on a mission to prove herself as the Aramante and leader of her people, but doesn’t have a ton of confidence. And by the end, she is one of the most powerful beings in the world.
Cosplayer Rerenga (or Ren) take on Keyleth is bright and in some pictures, literally glowing. It’s definitely one of those cosplays where you can tell how fun this shoot was and how loved the character is.
And everything from the background picks to the photography style to the little details in the costume are all perfectly aligned to make you believe these pictures are straight out of a magic world.
Keyleth from Critical Role
Photos by zio_knedl used with permission by Rerenga_Cosplay
“I don’t know if I’m the leader you deserve or a good leader, but I’m willing to dedicate the rest of my life to doing whatever I can for all of us. As long as Vox Machina stands by my side.”
“I have passed through fire.”

“We’re practically gods.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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