This Week’s Warhammer Products & Pricing CONFIRMED – Warcry & Underworlds Warbands Arrive!

Warhammer’s Mortal Realms are upon us with a massive set of new Warbands and Starter sets for Warcry and Underworlds. Take a look at these prices.
It’s a return to the Grimdark with a new set of products for the Space Marines. Here are the latest releases.
All these items are going for pre-order on October 7. Street date is October 21.
Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge $110 €80 £65
“In the icy depths of Andtor lies the Deathgorge, a network of frozen tunnels and caves that has entombed untold treasures – not to mention the souls of unlucky adventurers. And where there are souls to be claimed, you’re sure to find both Idoneth Deepkin and daemons of Slaanesh. Deep in the boreal depths of the Deathgorge, Cyreni’s Razors and the Thricefold Discord are locked in a bitter battle over this hoard of ice-crusted anima.
The new core set for Warhammer Underworlds features two new warbands, two new Rivals decks, two universal Rivals decks, and everything else you need to play the ultimate competitive miniatures game.”
Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set $60 €50 £40
“Beginners can also find their way into Warhammer Underworlds with a new starter set, which will be available from select retailers. It’s on sale from Saturday the 7th of October, and differs slightly from the current Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set. It contains two warbands – Ironsoul’s Condemnors and the Sepulchral Guard – as well as their Rivals decks and everything else you need to play. It’s a gentle introduction into the exciting (and decidedly un-gentle) world of Warhammer Underworlds, and the set will even run you through how to play through an example game before you tackle a full game yourself.”
Warcry: Hunter and Hunted $130 €105 £80
“Over in the Gnarlwood, stomachs are rumbling – those of the Mawpits and the pale, ravenous Ogor Gorgers who are determined to eat their fill of fresh meat in praise of the Gulping God. The Wildercorps Hunters are currently following the ogors’ foul scent with the aid of their loyal Trailhounds – but unluckily for them, they’re perfectly snack-sized for the Gorgers. They must rely on their expert knowledge of the wilderness – and an array of pointy implements – to fend off the salivating horrors in this new Warcry set, which features two warbands and an eternally hungry Mawpit.”
Warcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz $60 €45 £35
“The Gnarlwood is home to much vicious flora and fauna, the perfect poaching grounds for the Kruleboyz. The Monsta-killaz hunt, kill, and capture these savage beasties to keep the stinking stables of the Beast-breaka tribes stocked. When out on the hunt, they employ tamed Gnarlwood Howlaz to flush out their quarry and dispatch surreptitious Klutcha-grots to steal the goodies. “
Warcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers $60 €45 £35
“Though the Ur-Salamander Vulcatrix once killed the Fyreslayer god Grimnir, there are many who worship this powerful godbeast. They dedicate their lives to hunting down Magmadroth eggs, along with the remnants of the Mother of Salamanders’ sacred flames. With war picks and shovel-like polearms, they raise and nurture Kyndledroths for the lodges, brooking no mercy to those who threaten to harm the free-roaming Magmadroths– though they won’t hesitate to put down any ‘droths that have become unstable. “
Ravaged Lands: Scales of Talaxis $112.50 €87.50 £67.50
“The ruins of the Eye of Chotec are scattered throughout the Gnarlwood, curved jade ribs jutting out from its foetid swamps. These ruins are dire reminders of the catastrophe that once struck this place, and still pulse with cosmic power, setting the mire around them alight with crackling arcane energy. They’re also just right for fighters to leap off and dramatically stab unwary foes.
You can use this set to build a new Warcry battlefield or expand your Gnarlwood Watchcamp with new pieces of ruined stonework and strangling briars, plus a double-sided gaming board, terrain cards to help you decide on a layout, and a Warcry token sheet. “
Age of Sigmar Warbands $42 €34 £26 apiece (estimated)
“Originally released for Warhammer Underworlds, these warbands all have rules in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and are getting a standalone release in grey plastic without their cards. The warbands are the Gorechosen of Dromm, Hexbane’s Hunters, The Shadeborn, Blackpowder’s Buccaneers, Da Kunnin’ Krew, Skittershank’s Clawpack, The Exiled Dead, and Xandire’s Truthseekers.”
White Dwarf 493 $11 €9 £6.99
“October’s issue of White Dwarf is packed with amazing Warhammer content as always. There are new rules for a Warhammer Age of Sigmar narrative campaign, as well as new scenarios, and painting and gaming advice. The Warhammer 40,000 Tale of Four Warlords continues alongside Crusade rules for the Tome Keepers, while Warcry gets a dose of Courage and Cruelty with quests and artefacts for the Vulkyn Fyreslayers and Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz, and you can whet your appetite for the upcoming Legions Imperialis in an early battle report. “
Underworlds or Warcry for you?