Warhammer 40K: A New Necron Lord Emerges – With a Neat Trick

An all new Necron Overlord is here to phase into your opponent’s nightmares! Just in time for that new Necron codex.
Meet the newest Necron lord on the block – The Necron Overlord with Translocation Shroud.
Let’s dive into this guy. GW says:
“This miniature uses the baleful emanations of its translocation shroud to show the Overlord in a unique pose – caught in the very moment it phases into (or out of?) the material world. As such, the model almost appears to hover above its own sculpted base, sections of its body and wargear still partway through emerging from invisible phase space.”
The New Miniature
That is one fancy bit of digital sculpting. It reminds me a bit of the Lumineth Light of Eltharion miniature, with its missing sections and untraditional attachment to the base. Nicely done! It should also be fun to paint up all those ‘phasing arcs’ around the Overlord. ON a side note, this guy was first teased TWO YEARS AGO in 2021!
The Rules
But what exactly does that Translocation Shroud do? Well it works with the Overlord’s attached unit for one! Nice. The extra move and ignoring intervening models will allow some “hey I’m behind you now” shenanigans on the tabletop. I can’t wait to see a cat-and-mouse game between this guy and some Warp Spiders!
Get ready to meet the new Necron Overlord on the tabletop when the new Necron Codex arrives soon.