Warhammer 40K: It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Dozens of Space Marine Units

Here are all the units cut from the new Space Marine Codex. It’s time to turn out the lights on dozens of units.
Space Marines are getting a brand new Codex to replace their Index. As is normal with a new edition codex, it’s a big deal with a bunch of new models. However, for one of the first times in recent memory, this Space Marine Codex is also cutting a ton of units out of the army and slimming things down. This isn’t just random one-off units that snuck into the Codex somehow (I’m looking at you Land Raider Terminus Ultra). Some major and classic units are going away for good. So today, let’s pour one out for what, in many ways, is the real death of Classic Marines and take a look at everything we are losing.
The Characters
Some of the biggest, but also in a way least impactful, changes are to the Marine Characters. The big shift here is that in any case where there was a Primaris and Classic version of a character there is now just one version. While all these characters have dropped the Primaris from their names, they also only use the Primaris model options- making it clear what survived. This list includes:
- Primaris Captain/Captain- Now Just Captain
- Primaris LT/LT- now just LT
- Chaplain/Primaris Chaplain- now just Chaplain
- Techmarine/Primaris Techmarin- now just Techmarine
- Primaris Apothecary/Apothecary- now Just Apothecary
While technically, that is five units that are gone, there is very little actual change here. Mostly it’s just some wargrear options. The biggest change is really to the Techmarine since the new/Primaris version has a very different loadout. In addition, Astartes Servitors are now gone, meaning the Techmarine plays a very different role now.
Continuing with getting rid of non-Primaris characters – both the Captain on Bike and the Librarian with Jump Pack are now gone. You could also maybe say that the Captain with Jump Pack is gone as well. While he is still in the book, it’s the new “Primaris” in all but name version, and the old options are gone.
Lastly, we also lost a few named characters:
- Chaplain Cassius
- Sergeant Chronus
- Sergeant Telion
Elites And Classic Infantry
Moving over to the infantry side of things, we’ve got some more changes. Relic Terminators, already combining two units, are now gone. This is the one big “hole” we have, as the rest of the things are a bit odd.
For instance, both Assault Squads with and without Jump Packs have gone away after decades of service. A real tragic loss. On the other hand Assault Intercessors with and without Jump Packs are very similar units. The Jump Pack ones even have what is basically the same load out.
Scouts are another odd one. They had been one squad for a while and then got split into Sniper and normal Scout Squads. The new Codex gets rid of the Sniper Squad. Instead, it just has one, new Scout Squad. The new unit has similar but different loadout options to both of the old ones. So what is it? A new unit, a change in wargear?
In the same vein, we have the fact that the old Command Squads are now gone. They’ve been replaced with the Company Heroes, a similar but different unit. The Primaris Company Champion is also gone; they’ve been rolled into the Heroes. Oh, and Tyrannic War Vets are gone. Do we really care?
Fast Things
When it comes to previous Fast Attack units Marines have lost a lot of really classic and iconic units. Basically, all the versions of the Land Speeder are gone. These include:
- The basic Land Speeder
- The Tornado
- The Storm
- The Typhoon
That’s a big blow to some old favorites, and they don’t really have any direct replacements (the Storm Speeders are much heavier).
We also lost the old classic Bikes, Attack Bikes and Scout Bikes. Scout Bikes are the only one of these three that doesn’t have a direct replacement. Still given the lack of options with Outriders, its a loss some armies will feel.
Heavy Things
Lastly Marines lost a few heavy things. Dreadnoughts took another hit. This time both the Ironclad and the Contemptor have been removed. It’s not as bad as the Dreadnoughts that were cut between the last 9th Codex and the 10th Index, but it hurts. We’ve really only got a few Dreadnoughts left.
We also lost a few other heavy units. The Thunderfire Cannon is gone, but it was always an odd unit. We also lost the Hunter and the Stalker, and I bet no one is shedding any tears for those. They were pretty much never good, certainly not in their intended roles.
A Long List
Well, there you have it. The new Space Marine Codex has a pretty big set of datasheets. Depending on how exactly you count it, the Marine Codex has lost about 29 datasheets. That’s more than some entire armies have. Some of these have gotten pretty direct replacements. Others got folded into other units. A number were almost never seen. With only one or two exceptions, they are all classic Marine units, or wargear options that have gone away. It’s hard to see this as anything but the real death knell for Classic Marines – and Primaris taking the mantle as the new default Space Marines.
Let us know what you think about these units going away, down in the comments!