Warhammer 40K: That Time An Ork Started A Genestealer Cult

The Grimdark galaxy is a BIG place and anything can happen – AND GET RULES! This is one of those times. Meet the lamentable tale of Ork Genestealer Cults.
Today we are going way back to 1991 and it’s FREEBOOTERZ Ork army list supplement. It seems those crazy designers at Nottingham were coming up with all kinds of shenanigans.
Just take a look at today’s offering from the days of yore. You will want to read this page – trust me!
There is just SO MUCH AWESOME in that single page! The concept of Orks being particularly bad hosts for Genestealer Cults due to their biology and societal rules is great. I love the concept of a desperate and somewhat hapless Genestealer Cult Patriarch realizing he’s made a terrible, terrible mistake infecting Orks. Who knows what sort of “Ork breeding urge” has been disrupted… So he basically sells his Cult’s services to the highest bidder in the hopes of one day discovering some humans or pretty much ANY other living creature besides Orks to expand his coven. Unfortunately for the Patriarch, Ork society is tough! Even Tyranid biology usually won’t cut it.
But that’s not all. Not by a long shot…
GW Made Minis!
I want you all to behold what may be the BEST Ork banner EVER. The 4-armed Genestealer Ork Cult glyph. If you happen to print this one out and paint it up, be sure to let us know! And it wasn’t just minis.
Oh YES! There Were Ork Genestealer Cult Rules…
This is just the tip of the Ork Genestealer Cults info. There’s more! Much, much more in ancient Rogue Trader Ork gaming archeology. Really, this entire article is just an excuse to get that amazing banner out to the masses. The second I laid eyes on it I just wanted to spread the good works of the Four-Armed Orky Emperor! It’s crazy that stuff this good is buried in the deep, deep 40K lore.
All-four Hands up – who’s up for even one converted Ork Hybrid mob/unit for your Genestealer Cult army? Your friends will be super, super jealous!
SMILE! The purple four-armed Emperor LOVES you!