Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Beware Feasts Where You Are the Main Course

GW has invited you to most fine feast and banquet. Keep your eyes on the exits…
Enjoy your holiday with this elegant GW invitation to a fabulous social event.
“The Twin-Tailed Crusade wends its troubled way through Aqshy and Ghyran, led by an upstart lowborn and shadowed by foul omens of death. Doubtless, this noble venture is doomed to a terrible fate.
Yet we must set aside our woes! These are times of upheaval, true, but also times of much celebration and rejoicing. One of the most noble courts in all the realms has flung open its doors, and in our most unworthy hands we bring you a royal invitation…
A most intriguing overture, is it not? No matter your standing, be you the most gracious noble or a lowly peasant who tills the land, you are summoned one and all to partake in the coming feast. There shall be no shortage of fine meats and rich red wine, so loosen your belts and prepare your appetite…
Do not tarry, for a bountiful repast awaits! You would have to be mad to miss it.”
What’s For Dinner?
I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see who’s headed our way in the months ahead… It’s Flesh-eater Courts. Those crazed cannibalistic Counts are due for a refresh. You have to put on a fine show to impress Nagash after all. I’m just hoping we get a new range of more overt lost/cursed Bretonnia links in any upcoming Flesh-eater Courts minis.
Bon Apetit!