Warhammer: Bring Back Gorkamorka

Games Workshop needs to bring back the ultimate Orky smash and bash: It’s time for Gorkamorka!
Today, Games Workshop was going over some of it’s boxed games from the past 40 years in preparation for the Warhammer Day celebration. This got me thinking about the various games and some of the standouts over the years. There’s one game in particular that I’ve been hoping to see make a come back: Gorkamorka!
This game was (and still is) awesome. It takes the orks, tosses them in a desert, and adds in a bunch of crazy vehicles so they can all go Mad Max. The OG Boxed set had the old Ork Trukk and Buggy:
It also came with a cardboard ork fort and some other terrain bits. But really, at the time, you’d have to construct a lot of your own stuff — hence why the desert setting was perfect.
Now, I’ve written earlier this year how I’d love to see a crossover with Necromunda and the Orks. And in many, many ways that’s exactly what Gorkamorka was initially. Personally, I think that’s really all GW needs to do to “update” Gorkamorka: Use the Necromunda rules but add in the Orks. Obviously there’s a lot more to that. GW would have to come up with different Ork tribes and such…if only they had a previous version of the game to use as a template or something…
I know a lot of folks might point to Speed Freeks as the modern incarnation of Gorkamorka — but it’s not the same. It’s fun in it’s own way. But it’s not like Gorkamorka was “Necromunda with Orks.” It was it’s own thing. And I think with all the kits that the Orks have now (in terms of vehicles) and the ruleset that Necromunda has now (with all the Ash Waste expansion rules) that Gorkamorka can really thrive.
Furthermore, there’s TONS of awesome kits that could be used for conversions and such for Gorkamorka, too. And beyond that, there’s also kits that GW made specifically for Orks that could be repackaged and put out for Gorkamorka
There was the Mekboy Workshop as well as Orky fortifications out there to use. Combine all that with a box of Boyz and some of the new Orky vehicles and we’re ready to rock and roll!
I’m not asking GW to reinvent the wheel with Gorkamorka. There’s already all the ingredients of the game they have out. Plus they got the recipe from before. I think it’s time to whip this fungus stew up and get some Gorkamorka on the tabletop!
Would you give Gorkamorka a go? Would you want it to be “Necromunda but with Orks” or would you prefer something completely different?