Warhammer Next Week – Underworlds Deathgorge And Warcry Warbands

Next week, even more grim and perilous forces come to the Mortal Realms with skirmish forces for everyone from War Cry to Underworlds.
It’s a skirmish spectacular next week for the Age of Sigmar, with Games Workshop unleashing a torrent of new minis in Warbands of all stripes. Whether you want your warbands to be tight and tactical, like you’d find in Warhammer Underworlds, or fast and frenetic, like in War Cry, there’s something for everyone. As long as what you want are a bunch of skirmishers you could maybe use as units in your AoS games.
There are three big boxes and a lot of warbands available individually next week. With a lot to play around with, let’s dive right on in!
Warhammer Underworlds – Deathgorge and Starter Set
Warhammer Underworlds kicks off a new core set with a new core set: Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge. This new set comes with two brand-new Warbands and Rivals decks, bringing both Idoneth Deepkin and Slaaneshi forces in the form of Cyreni’s Razors and the Thricefold Discord respectively.
Have you not jumped in to Warhammer Underworlds yet? Well there’s plenty of opportunities to jump in, including a brand new starter set, which will be available from “select retailers” starting the 7th of October. This new set is different from the normal starter set, but only slightly. Inside you’ll find Ironsoul’s Condemnors and the Sepulcrhal Guard.
Warcry Warbands
Of course, over in the Gnarlwood, War Cry is amping up with a whole new boxed set. Warcry: Hunter and Hunted is the new box, and in it you’ll find two different warbands. The Ogor Gorgers, who are out to eat their fill of fresh meet, and the Wildercorps Hunters, who are pursuing their ever-hungering prey.
And alongside the new boxed set, come more Warbands. Starting with the Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz, whose whole job is to hunt. kill, and capture the savage creatures of the Gnarlwood. They also work with Gnarlwood Howlaz, those incredible AoS looking monkeys, as well as Klutcha-grots.
And alongside the Kruleboyz are the Vulkyn Flameseekers of the Fyreslayers. These Duardin hunt down Magmadroth eggs, looking to keep them safe, alongside the remnants of the Mother of Slamanders’ sacred flames.
Also be sure and check out a new set of terrain: the Eye of Chotec makes for a scattered, broken stone fixture that can serve in all sorts of arrangements.
All this, next week!