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Age of Sigmar: 5 ‘Old World’ Characters We’ll (Probably) Never See Again

4 Minute Read
Nov 28 2023
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Games Workshop has a deep roster of Characters from The-World-That-Was they could tap into…if they wanted to.

With arrival of Ushoran imminent Games Workshop has us a little shook-up. We never thought he’d get more than a nod from the lore much less a fantastic new model. That revelation has us questioning what other characters could GW bring back and surprise, well, everyone with a new model?! Here’s our top five.


I have to give credit where it’s due and Settra deserves some credit. He went out like a BOSS in the End Times. With his own catch phrase of “NOBODY COMMANDS SETTRA.” He charged into battle against the forces of chaos just to make a point. He was (mostly) destroyed outright in the End Times and hasn’t really been seen sense.

Now, did he maybe end up in one of the Underworlds that was then taken over by Nagash? That’s a great question! But even if he did, would Nagash then bring him back to serve once again? Or do you think maybe one of those Stormcast Eternals that got “stolen” and reforged could be Settra? Wouldn’t that be a twist…


Orion basically turned in to Kurnoth in the Age of Sigmar lore. And Kurnoth was slain in battle and his remains were recovered. From his remains sprang the Kurnoth Hunters as living embodiments of his wrath and power. In a way, he’s still around…but not whole.

Personally, I think that Belthanos is about as close to his reincarnation as we are likely to get. It makes sense as it leaves Alarielle as the sole “god” of the Sylvaneth and leader of the army. Belthanos is here to fill the same role that Orion did as her lieutenant. He’s a bit of an attack dog in a lot of ways — much like Orion was. Still, it would be cool to see Orion reborn in AoS…but it’s (probably) never going to happen.


Green Knight – Gilles le Breton

Let me just start by saying this old model is still awesome. I hope GW brings him back for the Old World and we get to use him once again on the tabletop. Now, as for the AoS rebirth of the Green Knight…I think that’s highly unlikely.

It’s unfortunate how this character and his story ended in the End Times. Sure, it was bittersweet in how he got to team-up with Abhorash, one of the very first Vampires. And again, everyone’s death is left ambiguous in the End Times so GW could pull these characters out if they chose to do so at a later date.

But for me, I always disliked how it ended for the Bretonnians as they were essentially pawns of Alarielle to keep her realm safe. It would be nice to see the Sylvaneth get the Green Knight reborn or something like that. Gilles le Breton deserved better than that.

Malekith / Malerion


Oh, what’s that? We’ve got artwork for Malerion, formerly known as Malekith? And we’ve gotten lots of teasers about him and his interactions with Morthai in the lore, too? Heck, we’ve even had lots of old rumors about the so called “Umbraneth” which will be his faction? And models for some of them as well?!?

Yeah. I don’t believe it. At this point if GW was going to bring back Malerion to AoS they would have done it. There’s NO WAY GW would ever bring him back and create an entire new faction for him. Nope. Never going to happen. This isn’t some sort of taunt or challenge I’m making to GW. It’s not like I’m throwing down the gauntlet saying “prove me wrong, GW!” or anything. Why would I EVER want them to bring out this faction and make the “Shadow Aelves” a thing. Who wants these super cool dudes and their Edgelord leader around, amirite?!



Tyrion technically exists in AoS. At least in the lore.  He’s the twin of Teclis and he’s even worked his mojo with Teclis and Malerion to obscure their realms from others.  Here’s the kicker, even though he’s a God-like being now, he’s also blind. I think he’s just letting Teclis do all the heavy lifting this time around. It would be pretty awesome to see him get a new model for the tabletop.

He’s got his own batch of followers (kinda) with the Vanari Bladelords. Plus we’ve also got the Light of Eltharion floating around, too. Do we really need a badass new Tyrion model that’s on par with Teclis in scale but built for combat instead of magic? Pfft, NO. Of course not. Why would GW do a silly thing like that. It’s not like every Lumineth player would want one or anything. That’s why it will (probably) never happen.



We didn’t really dabble with Chaos or Destruction characters — who do you think GW should bring back from The-World-That-Was?


Author: Adam Harrison
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