D&D: Five Magic Items Sure to Add a Little Chaos to Your Day

Chaos is rising in 40K and the Mortal Realms. But Chaos can bleed over into your D&D game too, if you don’t mind a little heresy.
Way back in the time before even the beforetimes, in the ancient time of 1977, White Dwarf was forged. And it was originally a gaming magazine for a variety of games. D&D reigned supreme, alongside tales of Thrud the Barbarian. D&D and White Dwarf have a long, shared history. Many of your favorite monsters first appeared in the pages of White Dwarf.
And with Chaos on the rise throughout the next few issues of White Dwarf, why not bring a little of that magic flowing in the other direction? For that, we turn to one of BoLS’ favorite sourcebooks: the Realms of Chaos. It’s a perfect place to look for Chaos-themed items for your D&D campaign.
Cordial of Tzeentch
Hey, what’s not to love about a delicious vial of Tzeentch juice? The Warhammer equivalent of a frothy can of Monster, the Cordial of Tzeentch grants its imbiber great power (mostly). For the measly price of rolling 1d6, you have the possibility of gaining +1 to +3 to all of your stats! Sure there’s a paltry 1 in 6 chance to lose 2 points from your stats instead, but you’re obviously not going to roll that. And anyway, the effects only last for a single day.
So how would we represent this in D&D? Well this one’s a pretty easy transfer. Potions already duplicate the effects of an extant spell. Now it might seem like the easiest equivalent would be for it to just grant the effects of all the attribute-enhancing spells, with a 1 in 6 chance of them subtracting from all your stats instead (and that’s not necessarily a bad plan), but that makes it a little overpowered. For a more reasonable option, have it duplicate the effects of a Bless or Bane spell (albeit one that lasts 8 hours and only affects the drinker).
Collar of Khorne
The Collar of Khorne is used to protect chosen champions from magic/psychic powers. They nullify the effects of spells and also look pretty rad with the spikes and skulls. Almost certainly not the sort of thing that lets the bloodlust of an angry war god run consume you at times.
And, it’s fairly easy to translate into D&D terms (although it is fairly powerful). Just make it function as an amulet that projects an antimagic field when worn. Oh, and it’s almost certainly not able to be removed unless you cast remove curse on it first.
What do you mean by “what about your other magic items?” Khorne doesn’t need magic, and neither do you. Now quit complaining and get out there and get some more skulls! That throne won’t deck itself!
Globe of Change
This one is kind of neat. A grenadelike object that puts its subject in a form of stasis–effectively removing it from a given fight (and the rest of the day). Sure, it warps and mutates your target’s body, but that just means your target is going to gain 1d6 attributes that are negative. Like moronic. Or silly walk.
What do you mean now the Orc breathes fire, spits acid, and can fly?
Another easy transition to D&D. Make it a potion that, when thrown, hits its target with the banishment spell (albeit one that lasts 24 hours). And since you already have that Chaos attribute table out and a d1000 handy…
Death’s Head of Nurgle
What is it with Chaos and grenadelike weapons? Here’s another one. Albeit this one is a great deal more Chaos-y. Take the head of a conquered foe, coat it in wax, and fill it up with good old rotting pus, and then bam, instant plague grenade.
Following in the warp-touched footsteps from our earlier example, take a potion that, when it hits a target subjects them to the contagion spell. Simple enough to accomplish. And it definitely will never accidentally shatter in your backpack or anything.
Rod of Command
Everyone’s favorite orgy-on-a-stick. This item is carved from the thigh bone of one of Khorne’s champions (guess they should’ve been wearing a collar) and commands all who behold it.
Translating this to D&D is easy. Take a Rod of Rulership and change the last word. It’s basically the same thing.
Five easy ways to make your D&D worthy of the Emperor’s wrath