D&D: Five Stealthy Subclasses for All Your Sneaky Needs

So you want to be sneaky in D&D? With the right subclasses, you won’t even need to worry about the heavily armored members of your party.
When it comes to stealth and D&D, everyone assumes that’s just the purview of the Rogue. And maaaaybe the Ranger. On occasion. You know, for fun. But the Fighter? The Paladin? No way they’re sneaking around.
Or so you might think. But with the right subclasses, any character can be a stealth character. You just have to be willing to invest a little. Here are five stealthy subclasses that can turn your whole party into naught but shadows upon the wind.
Ranger – Gloomstalker
Alright, let’s start with an easy one. The Gloomstalker Ranger is one of the ultimate stealthy subclasses. Because not only are they good at stealth, like just for playing, but they are also invisible to creatures that rely on darkvision to see them. This makes it even easier to be stealthy in, like, 90% of the circumstances you’d want to be stealthy.
Cleric – Trickery Domain
Clerics and Stealth may not seem to be like a natural combination. And yet, the Trickery Domain Cleric is absolutely a stealthy subclass that will not only help you be stealthy, it’ll help the party too. There are several things contributing to this. For starters, their list of bonus domain spells gives Trickery Clerics Pass Without Trace (which will obscure your whole party) and Dimension Door, which can get you into places silently. On top of that, they gain the ability to become invisible several times per rest without having to cast a spell.
Barbarian – Path of the Beast
Barbarians and Stealth don’t seem to go together at first glance. But… they don’t wear armor. They don’t have to shout and snarl when they go into a Rage. And certain subclasses give them extra ways to be stealthy. Like the Path of the Beast Barbarian, who gains the Bestial Soul ability which allows them to gain a Climbing or Swimming speed, including the ability to walk on ceilings or breathe underwater. And that means they can be in places where people aren’t expecting all the time. Stealth across the ceiling (using your Fast Movement) and drop down when you’re ready to rumble.
Paladin – Oath of the Open Sea
The Oath of the Open Sea, out of Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, combines Paladins and Stealth with a bit of magic, making this a more melee-focused stealthy subclass. The Oath of the Open Sea not only gets these Paladins spells like Misty Step, but it also grants them the ability to create a thick cloud of fog that conceals all within. Meaning your party can roll in with the mist.
Fighter – Eldritch Knight
This one’s almost cheating. But take a Fighter with a focus on archery and then, on top of that, layer on spells that can include things like Invisibility or Greater Invisibility. Combine that with a high Dexterity and light armor that won’t impede your Stealth Checks, and you’ve got the makings of a d10 hit dice assassin.
What are your favorite stealthy subclasses?