GW Releases Free AoS & Warcry Rules for the Blacktalons

Grab your free PDFs for the Blacktalons for your Age of Sigmar and Warcry games!
Those stars of Warhammer+,Sigmar’s super assasins – the Black Talons are getting a new boxed set this week. Here’s all you need to know about them:
“From scions of the Dark Gods to marauding orruk warlords, threats to Sigmar’s people lurk in every corner of the realms. Neave Blacktalon, the God-King’s foremost assassin, is tasked with puting down these fell champions. In battle, Neave travels upon winds of magic to unleash storms of never-ending axe blows.
Fighting alongside her are the Blacktalons, a band of tightly knit companions, each a warrior of deadly renown. Hendrick, the Silver Wolf, Rostus Oxenhammer, Shakana Goldenblade, and the Idoneth Deepkin Soulscryer Lorai. Together, they make a unit capable of taking down even the mightiest foe.”
Age of Sigmar
In Age of Sigmar the Blacktalons show up as a Regiment of Renown. Here’s a quick peek at some of Neave’s rules:
Download The AoS Blacktalon Rules Here
The Blacktalons are just as effective in the smaller-scale world of War Cry, Here’s a peek at what Neave can do in these close quarters:
Download The Warcry Blacktalon Rules Here
Good hunting, and for all the enemies of Sigmar… beware.