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Horus Heresy: ‘Dark Emissary’ Is Coming To Keep An Eye On Things For Horus

2 Minute Read
Nov 30 2023

There’s a new Horus Heresy miniature coming soon. Meet the Dark Emissary and his unyielding glare — if you dare!

Horus might have his hands full running a galaxy-wide war against his former friends but that doesn’t mean he can’t keep an eye on things. Specifically, he’s got lots of “eyes” out and about to help him with such a task. That’s where the Dark Emissary comes into play.

via Warhammer Community

“Each Dark Emissary is a paragon of skill and martial prowess, an example that Horus expected every member of his Legion to strive towards. Should anyone fail to live up to the Warmaster’s expectations – or worse, display seditious intentions – then a Dark Emissary could also act as an executioner for their exacting patriarch.”

Horus Heresy Dark Emissary

The Dark Emissary is a stern figure. Wielding his Staff of Dark Authority as a symbol of his rank and status he commands the attention of his peers. And if anyone disrespects his authority they will find themselves on the business-end of that same Staff. It packs a punch with the Murderous Strike (6+) rule.

The model will be cast in resin from Forge World and will be available for Pre-order soon. It’s an imposing figure for sure and Traitor Legions will be able to recruit one to their armies. Just make sure you know where your loyalties belong if you choose to bring him. He’s watching your every move…



He has quite the serious snarl — I wonder if he gets that look from his father…

Author: Adam Harrison
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