Let’s Play D&D With Scott Pilgrim & Ramona Flowers

Tune your base, lace up your rollerblades, and get ready for the seven evil exes, this week we’re playing D&D with Scott Pilgrim.
Scott Pilgrim has been a nerd culture staple for years now. Between a series of comics, video games, a movie, and now an anime series that none of us saw coming, he’s a character who’s hard to avoid. Even if he’s the sort of character you’d want to avoid in real life. But Scott would also fit right in most D&D campaigns. Not so much in his style or instrument choice. But he’s a classic D&D punch guy. And this week we’re playing D&D with–
Scott Pilgrim
As I said, Scott is a punchy guy. And at first, I thought this meant he was going to be a Fighter. But between his lack of weapons, lack of armor, and video game-style jumps and strikes… he’s a Way of the Fist Monk. This gives us all sorts of fun ways to punch our way through any trouble that comes our way. Sometimes multiple times in one turn.
But Scott isn’t just a Monk. He’s also in a local band of some note and is seemingly pretty okay at the bass. That said, it doesn’t seem like it’s his priority as much as the rest of his band would like. I reflected that in giving Scott two- but only two- levels in Bard. It’s enough to have some inspiration, but not a high enough level to really focus and pick a subclass.
But if we’re being very honest, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off really proved that he’s not remotely the most interesting character in his own story. So let’s focus on somebody who might actually be…
Ramona Flowers
With Ramona, I had a chance to have a little more fun. She’s Half-Elf while Scott is Human because while he and his friends feel very normal, she always feels a bit more. More aware of the world, more in tune with their world’s superpowers; just generally more. And when it came to her class, I decided on Warlock.
You may be wondering who her warlock patron would be. Well, this probably changes between versions, honestly. If we’re looking at the original Scott Pilgrim (comics, movie, games, etc) I’d have to say Gideon Gordon Graves, the final evil ex. He can show up and wreck everything, has some control over her mood and actions, and is the behind-the-scenes reason everything is happening. She doesn’t have to like him for him to be her patron. And in fact, I’d think that an adversarial relationship between a Warlock and their patron could make for an interesting player / DM dynamic and story in a game.
But that doesn’t really work for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, does it? For the sake of not posting unchecked spoilers so soon, I don’t want to go into why it wouldn’t make sense or what I think the patron could be instead. But I think Warlock still works. That said, who do you think the new patron could be?
I chose Archfey as the patron type because Misty Escape felt a lot like the teleporting through town Ramona can do. But this unfortunately left us without the weapon proficiency I wanted. Ramona wields a big hammer and I wanted there to be a warhammer on her sheet, darnit. So I gave her an entire feat just for that. Weapons Master comes with a few more options for weapons proficiencies, and I only took Warhammer. So if you decide to play this character, pick whatever else you think would be helpful or fun for your particular game.
How would you make Scott Pilgrim characters for D&D? What did you think about Scott Pilgrim Takes Off? What movie, show, comic, or game should we make sheets from next time? let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!