Warhammer 40K: Darktide’s ‘The Carnival Trailer’ Shows Off Terrifying New Zone, Heretical Enemies

A new trailer for Warhammer 40K: Darktide shows off the upcoming Traitor Curse update, with a heretical new leader. See The Carnival.
Warhammer 40K: Darktide is getting a big two-part update to celebrate its 1st-year anniversary. Titled, The Traitor Curse, the new update promises to bring a whole new zone, missions, and more to the game. Including advancing the overall narrative of the rejects trying to protect Tertium from the forces of Chaos.
And a new trailer, The Carnival, shows off the titular new zone, as well as showing off a heretical new enemy who seems to be speaking for the Moebian 6th, a well-trained traitor army. Their traitorous broadcasts showcase a dark new turn for Darktide.
Warhammer 40K: Darktide – The Carnival
To celebrate the first anniversary of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, we have prepared a free, two-part update called The Traitor Curse bringing more content to the game. Part 1 will release during November, Part 2 will follow before the winter holidays.
The Traitor Curse Part 1 – Features:
- New Cinematic: Learn about the motivations of the Moebian 6th and discover The Carnival, a new disreputable zone promising transgressive distractions and entertainment.
- New Zone & Mission: Strike at the heart of the Moebian 6th operations and fend off hordes of enemies in Mercantile located in The Carnival.
- Inspect Feature: Inspect player loadouts in The Mourningstar.
- Update to Veteran Talent Tree: Enjoy many changes and tweaks made to the Veteran tree, including the addition of Keystones (due to these changes, Veterans will see their talent tree reset and players will have to re-assign talent points).
In the trailer, we get a new look at the Moebian 6th’s new deployment. They have completely taken over the zone known as The Carnival completely after dealing with the planetary guard. Led by a figure known as the Wolfer and two heretical lieutenants known as the Carnak Twins, it seems the Moebian 6th is planning to “liberate” Tertium from the Emperor’s lies.
And now that they’ve found it, they’ve dug in and occupied it like rats. With a new stim spreading through the local populace to make the enemies even deadlier than normal. At least there aren’t a lot of them, right?
Well. Better get to it then.